Tactical Questing

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

xDirtyGx 183

A buddy of mine challenged me to making a deck that started with 3 tactics hero's, yet could still handle both questing and combat. For the longest time the words tactics and questing well didn't really go hand in hand with each other. But with Éowyn and a splash of leadership attachments we can make quite a potent tactics questing deck.

The main idea of this deck is that you will be using your hero's to quest while your allies will be handling the combat.

Starting off with the three hero's: Aragorn, Éowyn, and Théoden we already begin with 11 without even anything being played, which is quite nice knowing that you're in a heavy combat sphere but can quest.

A few attachments can further make your trio quest for even more, the likes of Sword that was Broken on Aragorn along with Celebrían's Stone on Eowyn boost their willpower to 16! Lastly, Sword-thain a tactics ally such as Grimbold or Gwaihir to get an additional 3 from your now 4 hero's.

You have plenty of allies who can more than handle the combat that will arise. Boromir and Defender of Rammas with Raiment of War provides you with solid defenders while any of the others provide great attack power.

After the main attachments in the deck are in play to help boost the questing there are a few other combos to help out in a pinch. Aragorn with Steward of Gondor, a Gondorian Fire, and a Rohan Warhorse can dispatch some tougher enemies if you choose not to quest with him a turn. Eowyn, already equipped with Celebrían's Stone can turn into a situational defender when needed using Golden Shield, Heir of Mardil, and passing a resource to her via Errand-rider to allow her to defend for 9 after she's already quest!

This deck has been quite the surprise playing. It has performed well for me in both solo and two player games. The main weakness to this deck is a lack of card draw to get through your deck to find what you are looking for.
