Pre Khazad Dum Tri-Sphere Solo deck

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Pre Khazad Dum Tri-Sphere Solo deck 8 1 5 1.0
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Astromarine 14

This is my first real attempt at deckbuilding. I don't really feel up to doing a serious progression style thing, but I own all the sets and want to catch up, so a good compromise was to bundle all the sets pre Khazad Dum and make a deck to try and solo all the quests in the core and first cycle. And yes, I know it will SUCK at Rhosgobel, for that quest I'll have to make a specific separate thing.

This is my first version, and as such it's just a bunch of random good cards put together. I tried to keep costs sane. Steward of Gondor should never go on , and if it shows up before the board is settled enough for you to know where to put it you should default to .

If you're reading this (doubtful, but hey) I'd appreciate the feedback. The point of the exercise is to learn, after all, otherwise I'd just go raid Seastan's deck cache.

Now I'm off to take this through Mirkwood.

EDIT: After losing to Hill Trolls a bit, I made a couple changes:

  • Took out Aragornfor Prince Imrahil. Controversial I guess, but I feel the extra turn before 30 is worth the loss of power. Considered Théodred instead, but the main purpose of that hero slot is attacking, so I felt 3 attack to be a necessity.

  • Replaced Protector of Lórien with For Gondor!. As I commented on the first version, I feel the deck is a bit too geared towards questing, and hurts on the attack. Also with no card draw and Éowyn already in, I don't think I have the cards to power PoL with.

  • Replaced West Road Traveller and Son of Arnor with Guard of the Citadel and Gléowine. I need the extra cards, and SoA is just too expensive. Steward of GondorSTILL hasn't shown up in a game for me, and I need consistency when I don't draw the resources.

Please give me any feedback you can. Do you think the deck is still too light on the attack? Should I just remake it with Tactics? Is Tri-Sphere too inconsistent with the card pool I have available? (reminder: kinda-sorta progression, so only core and the first cycle)


Sep 23, 2016 Qwaz 410

The biggest challenges in getting a deck to work right are consistency and tempo.

Consistency simply asks that the deck does what it's supposed to reliably. Tempo asks that it achieves this faster than the encounter deck stops you.

To increase consistency have multiple card in the deck achieving the same of comparable result. To increase tempo you want to draw cards faster and play cards faster than normal -> Card draw & Resource acceleration. Resource acceleration including affects like steward but also a move as simple as "cheaper cards"

Trisphere, unless very carefully balanced runs the risk of being slow.

My advice would probably be to try and reach the core of what the deck is trying to do and to do so with 1 or 2 spheres if possible.

Dec 21, 2016 Kdl88 2

Great advice Qwaz!

Dec 22, 2016 Kdl88 2

I might try to squeeze in a Daughter of the Nimrodel or Self Preservation to get some healing for when the heroes are hurting. Only 10 combined HP is a little light.