Pre Khazad Dum Tri-Sphere Solo deck

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Pre Khazad Dum Tri-Sphere Solo deck 0 0 3 2.0
core-004-packs(aragorn,denethor,eowyn) 1 1 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Astromarine 14

Astromarine has a newer deck inspired by this one: Pre Khazad Dum Tri-Sphere Solo deck

This is my first real attempt at deckbuilding. I don't really feel up to doing a serious progression style thing, but I own all the sets and want to catch up, so a good compromise was to bundle all the sets pre Khazad Dum and make a deck to try and solo all the quests in the core and first cycle. And yes, I know it will SUCK at Rhosgobel, for that quest I'll have to make a specific separate thing.

This is my first version, and as such it's just a bunch of random good cards put together. I tried to keep costs sane. Steward of Gondor should never go on , and if it shows up before the board is settled enough for you to know where to put it you should default to .

If you're reading this (doubtful, but hey) I'd appreciate the feedback. The point of the exercise is to learn, after all, otherwise I'd just go raid Seastan's deck cache.

Now I'm off to take this through Mirkwood.


Sep 20, 2016 Astromarine 14


Sep 20, 2016 Beorn 13937

I like it. Other than Sneak Attack and Gandalf you don't have any card draw, have you considered including Gleowine? Three copies of Steward of Gondor gives you resource acceleration, but without card draw you might find that one hero builds up an excess that you cannot spend fast enough.

Sep 20, 2016 Astromarine 14

Hoply crap I got @Beorn'd :D

I'm hitting Anduin now, and I'm getting Troll trouble. 29 threat is a bit high, and so far I haven't been able to deal. It doesn't help that in the Mirkwood game AND both attempts at Anduin I haven't seen even one Steward of Gondor.

I need to play more, two games against Anduin isn't enough to be certain, but I have a feeling I focussed too much on the questing side and neglected combat a little bit. I'll make another run, read Ian's Trollkilling article, and report back.

Sep 21, 2016 Qwaz 410

Its nice. Rhosgobel will be mean for sure but watch out for Dol Guldur too. Tri Sphere sucks there.

MIght be worth including Celebrían's Stone so you could put Steward of Gondor on Aragorn and get the willpower boost on a hero you can now afford to quest and ready with his ability.

Sep 22, 2016 Astromarine 14

@Beorn and @Qwaz thanks for the comments. I've made a second version that you can find in the inspiration for section of this deck. Can you guys take a look there and please help me out? I still can't beat Anduin, and I think something in the core of the deck must be flawed, but I can't figure out why. Help? :D