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Greyfindel | 10 | 4 | 9 | 1.0 |
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Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
doomguard 2191
my grey lorefindel version. if a grey wanderer has lore or leadership i prefer the song of the opposite so i have lore-leadership from the start. that helps to get much allies fast (Timely Aid, carddraw, perhaps onother timely aid or Dúnedain Wanderer perhaps a A Very Good Tale Drinking Song perhaps another cheap ld-card. in addition to that ally-in-cheating you have acces to sneaked gandalfs, (what mostly be used for cards)
beside this lore-ld-secrecy-shenanigans you can classicially search for the Strider a save path for the first round, but with little ambition to build a fast swarm-boardstate.
i like The One Ring on glorfy, with his 2 3-stats and 5 hp he has many uses from the ring. i would choose Well Preserved from the start. with Strength and Courage he can attack for 7 thats also a good option for battleheavy szenarios.
if you can get a fast Soldier of Erebor use him for a A Very Good Tale with his ability perhaps twice.
if you do not like The One Ring replace the 3 cards with whatever you wanted from the sideboard.
if you are a friend of Firyal add him to the list, in MY middleearth, the harad are evil people that not belong to a fellowship of good heroes. ;)
the benefits of having lorfy here are Asfaloth, his good stats and the Elven Mail and the noble-trait allows Captain's Wisdom
feel free to add some Lembas if you play more herofokussed, this version is more ally-fokused.
Feb 24, 2022 |
Feb 24, 2022its a matter of taste, and a sidenote (and i give the option to take that southling.... ) ;) something to say to the deck? |
Feb 24, 2022Get your racist bullshit out of here |
Feb 24, 2022rude..... taste is not racism, and it depends on tolkien-lore, not my personal opinion. before you insult somebody, take care.... and if you not have to say something to the deck pls stay out this thread in tolkiens writings, the harad are similar to easterlings and dunlendings. there are no heroes or allies from that folks. there is a classifications in tolkiens writings, that are the "free folks of middle earth" and in this, there are no harad, corsairs, dunlendings, orks, goblins, spiders, easterlings,.... that is not my idea, that is tolkien-lore. |
Feb 24, 2022Sounds racist tbh |
Feb 24, 2022then tolkien is a racist. i personally in real life do not care about heritage. and my judgements of "folks" only refer to this game, its wrong to insult the real person reffering to taste of cards from the game. i think tolkien is no racist too, but in his world (middleearth) it is (kind of). within middleearth, there is racism (and its not only the harad, the dunlendings and easterlings are also treated bad by tolkien these are the "easy to corrupt"-folks in the lore of middleearth), but so is that world. |
Feb 24, 2022ok |
Feb 24, 2022Hmmm...definitely a different direction than mine. I think you could use more card draw, but with so many expensive allies even when you do wind up top-decking you'll often have something to spend your money on, so it's more a matter of deciding if you care which allies you find. I do think your events are the main fuel of your deck here, so Galadhrim Minstrel and/or Spare Pipe would go a long way to making your deck trigger faster. |
Feb 25, 2022galadrim minstrel is an option. but she has such low cost, that makes the A Very Good Tale less good. the pipe is no ally so the success of Timely Aid and A Very Good Tale is reduced. @carddraw you can never have enough carddraw ;) but there are 5 loreevents that draws and (3 sneack + ) 3 gandals that mostly will draw cards. |
“It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would rather have stayed there in peace.”
I think the entire Haradrim cycle, and the allies we get, do a really good job exploring this idea. One of the neatest things about the game not strictly following the books (aside from the Saga expansions) is that we can see some things that could have been on the periphery that just weren't encountered by the heroes in our story, like a group of Haradrim trying to escape, or the fields that fed Mordor in the Land of Sorrow.
I can certainly understand trying to play to theme, I think we all feel a little weird about Eagles flying in Moria, Balin finding his own tomb, or Fatty Bolger as the Steward of Gondor, but I'm surprised that some allies that certainly could have existed in Middle-earth would be where you draw the line and not at Glorfindel swinging his Ring around.