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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
AutumnRose 1509
"'I will travel to Gondor with the northerners and any who will follow.' There followed a silence as the members of Kahliel's tribe considered the weight of their chieftain's choice." --The Long Arm of Mordor
Who better for Kahliel to team up with in his flight from his homeland than the Lords of the Eldar? And what better way to cement their partnership than by using The Last Alliance?
Opening Hand
This deck is extremely hungry for cards. Arwen Undómiel, Elven Jeweler, Glorfindel, Guardian of Rivendell, Wandering Exile, Kahliel, and To the Sea, to the Sea! all require lots of cards available for discard. Because of this, the single card you want to mulligan for is Elven-light. After that, if you can get Steward of Gondor onto a spirit hero, there should be plenty of opportunity to draw tons of cards.
The Last Alliance
There are tons of options for using the contract every round, and figuring out the ideal choice is a lot of fun. You can use it to:
- Pass a resource to Kahliel with Arwen
- Discard a Noldor or Harad card from your hand to ready a Noldor or Harad character with Kahliel
- Add +1 to all stats of a Noldor or Harad character with Kahliel's Tribesman
- Reduce the cost of a Noldor or Harad character with Southron Refugee
- Give +1 willpower to all your characters with Kahliel's Headdress
- Reduce the cost of a Harad or Noldor character using To the Sea, to the Sea!
- Give all your characters +1 to all stats with Lords of the Eldar (but only if Lords of the Eldar is in your hand when you use the contract)
If you are clever and creative with all of these uses of the contract, you should have an army of strong allies who can be buffed and readied when needed.
The End of the Journey
You may notice that even with all the card draw and card discard, there is no Will of the West in this deck. This is by design. Decking yourself gives you an advantage with this deck. You can use Kahliel's Headdress to shuffle in a Harad ally from your discard pile to your deck, and guarantee that you will draw it next turn (just make sure you have a Silver Harp in play so you don't have to discard it from Círdan the Shipwright's ability). You can even use the contract to do this with a Noldor ally.
Similarly, if you have no deck you can use Lords of the Eldar and it becomes your deck. Next turn you can draw it, keep it in your hand with Silver Harp, target it with the contract, discard it with Arwen, and play it from the discard pile. You can do this every turn.
Alt Arts
I made alt art cards for this deck that allow you to trade out all the elves and elf attachments and events to cards that feature elves of color. Now seemed like a timely moment to release this, given the complaints of a lot of the community to the recent Vanity Fair article. People of color do not need to justify their existence in fantasy settings. Middle earth is as much a place for BIPOC people as it is for any of us. So if you'd like some BIPOC elves, check out my alt arts here.
Feb 13, 2022 |
Feb 13, 2022
Yes. |
Feb 14, 2022Seems one can't even escape the trolls on a site like this... Ah. Exhausting. |
Feb 14, 2022
Feb 14, 2022What the hell do you mean by those people? Isn't that a little insulting? Tolkien carefully crafted his fantasy world. The people from Harad are dark-skinned, and there's a ton of fascinating stories to be told in the second age involving that realm. That's what I said. We're talking about the second age here, not the fourth. Honestly though, I'm probably just being stupid even offering a response to your baiting. I was naively hoping this may be a place to discuss something like this amongst Tolkien readers without people just expressing vitriolic, thoughtless reactions. I was wrong. |
Feb 14, 2022Yes, someone else who sees the power of Narya plus Harad. 7 , 6 Jubayr who readies after/during a defense fills even the mightiest of Sauron's forces with fear. Personally, in terms of the alt art, I wish the Wandering Exile was more than a headshot, and Glorfindel wearing a skull was a bit jarring. Elven-light and To the Sea, to the Sea! would also benefit from a larger picture, I feel. I want to see more of these wonderful Elves, people of Varda's night as well as lights. The aura of authority that surrounds the Lady of the Eldar is awe-inspiring, and the Arwen Undómiel is breathtaking. Círdan's good, too, but his official art is a bit of a favorite of mine, so it would be a bit of a toss-up which one I would choose to use for this deck. Also, yes, people of color do not need to justify their inclusion in LotR. Tolkien's Elves have traditionally been white, yes... Just like Saruman was traditionally wise, or the Hobbits were traditionally too weak to fight. Tradition should not be discarded lightly, the wisdom of years past has endured for a reason, but that does not mean that it is infallible, and I do not believe that discarding this tradition is done lightly at all. |
Feb 14, 2022
Feb 14, 2022
Thanks for your thoughts on the art! If you'd like to see fuller art of some of those images, check out the artists (they're all credited on the cards). Eleonor Piteira was my favorite art to use for this project: Definitely check out her page.
Feb 14, 2022Oops, looks like the link to Eleonor's page didn't work. Let's try this: |
Mar 03, 2022Is this focus on skin colour a typical US thing? (Just a rational question) In Germany most people (but I can just definetly speak for me and my social bubble) do not care about skin colour at all. And not in a bad way. Every human has equal rights and is worth the same. Skin colour, for me, is just a logical attribute, according where ones ancestors came from. Tolkien created the universe of his works, as a nordic, mythical world, wich is based in medieval times. In a medieval world, you have no such diversity, wich we have in modern times, through globalization. When you want to immerse in a creation (be it fantasy, history, game, movie, show, etc.), the creation needs to follow the logic and boundaries of the subject (in this case, Lord of the rings). If you change or break some rules, it gets more difficult immerse. Break too many, and you create a new thing / or people who are used to the traditional boundaries and rules of the subject, cant immerse anymore. Thus the goal of most creations: to provide immersion. has failed. In the amazon rings of power teaser, there are already too many breakings of rules and boundaries of middle earth, for the majority of people. A beardless black dwarf, fighting rash warrior Galadriel (who is 1000s of years old already in 2nd age and not an elf teenager) or a black elf with short hair, young ambitious politician Elrond with short hair, plate armour being a thing, etc.. A few of these things could be a explained, with a nice and logical backstory. Maybe Deesa was banished from a Dwarf kingdom from Khand, because she defied the rule of Sauron. As a sign of banishment, her beard was burned of permanently with acid, to make it impossible to be loved again by a male or female dwarf. But Durin the 4th did not care, as they met during his adventure of finding survivors of the petty dwarves. A positive example of this, is Tyrion from game of thrones. But beware: Even if alle the new controversial characters have a good backstory. Too many exceptions break immersion as well. But I would bet parts of my body, that those characters wont have a nice and logical backstory, wich allows most of us lotr fans to immerse in our beldoved "fantasy retreat". That makes these characters just black for political reasons, not logical and rational ones. Wich is in my mind quite racist. The sad example for this is wheels of time. And for amazon to call all who disagree with their perspective racist is just sad. Respectfuly disagreeing and recognizing the counterparties view, is a crucial part of democracy and base for compromise, The good part: We can always stay fans of everything we have until now. Nobody forces anyone to consume new creations. Cheers from Berlin, and sorry for my not perfect english, Flauschi |
Mar 03, 2022If you "do not care about skin colour at all" then how can skin color possibly "break some rules"? If you are losing your sense of immersion in the narrative simply due to the color of a character or actor's skin, then clearly you do care about skin color. You might look inside yourself for the source of the problem rather than outward at the story. |
Mar 03, 2022Thanks for reading through. I should have been more clear on that. I personally dont care about that in a political or social kind of way. To be speaking in absolutes, is something just sith do. Important: As I described, it is not a single illogical part, (you describe it as a problem) that destroys immersion for me. Its the multitude of different breaks in rules of the universe, already obvious in a 1min trailer. By the way, there are lots of people of colour in middle earth. Would be logical to have characters come from that parts of the world, with a nice backstory. The majority of fans that are complaining now, would be eager to experience a part of middle earth, never seen before. A trailer is usually a compressed version of the show itself. If that is so, if fear it will be a generic amazon fantasy show, but not the lord of the rings, wich got so famouse for its fantastic and believable world. Does not mean the show will be a bad experience, just not lotr. |
Cool deck!
Regarding the Vanity Fair article and that whole discussion (trolls aside), I think it depends on how you feel Tolkien's world should be adapted, and more widely, whether adaptations of another's work should remain true to the original, or be interpreted more loosely.
On the one hand, I think there's already plenty of room to bring in characters who don't have fair skin via the southern realms like Harad; evil characters, heroic characters who stand up against the Black Numenorians/Sauron, and everything in between. So is it necessary to create a black elf?
But on the other, I understand that it can be damaging for people to not feel represented, when they feel like, for example, the colour of their skin is an important part of their identity.
For me personally, I'm just (distantly) hoping the characters are portrayed with the depth of soul that would be true to Tolkien, irrespective of skin colour.