Excellent for Hobbit decks, of course, but also for many mono- decks even if they're not in secrecy. The restriction to control no Warrior hero fortunately has little impact on most such decks -- there are only 2 heroes with the Warrior trait (Glorfindel and Celador). The flexibility of this card really makes it shine. It can help with questing (no worries if a Sand Viper comes out!), emergency defense (Cave-troll? Who cares!), or killing a high- enemy. I also found it fits perfectly in the Black Rider quests, neutralizing a stat of at least 4 on any of the Ringwraiths/Nazgul. One fun aspect of this card is that if you neutralize on an enemy, it also protects against any effects that would grant that enemy an extra attack this phase. Overall, an auto-include of at least 2x in any Secrecy decks with and a definite contender in any mono- -- 2 resources isn't a bad deal for an emergency get out of jail free card!
Fear! Fire! Foes!
Cost: 2.
Secrecy 1. Play only if you do not control a Warrior hero.
Action: Choose a non-unique enemy and an attribute (, , or ). Until the end of the phase, reduce the chosen attribute of that enemy to 0.
Far away answering horns were heard. The alarm was spreading. —The Fellowship of the Ring
John Howe
ALeP - The Aldburg Plot #8. Lore.
