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2023 Thematic Saga: The Uruk-hai | 22 | 4 | 3 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Truck 1472
Thematic Saga Series: Deck 9
The Uruk-hai
Series Overview
Welcome to the Thematic Saga Series, where I will be taking the most thematic decks possible against a modified Saga Campaign, on DragnCards. Here are the rules for this Campaign:
1: Your decks must be as accurate as possible to the books. So in A Shadow of the Past's case, because it takes place in the Shire, I will only be using Hobbit allies.
2: I am allowed to change heroes to fit the theme and I will not be incurring the +1 threat penalty while swapping heroes this way. For example, if I used an ally version of Legolas or Gimli in The Breaking of the Fellowship, I could swap heroes so I can us them as heroes in The Uruk-Hai.
I follow the rest of the rules for a standard Campaign.
The Theme
Forth, the Three Hunters! Man, I loved this deck! Two of my favorite characters, Legolas and Gimli are questing for a ton and fending off Uruk-hai!
Game Notes
This scenario was surprisingly easy. I flipped the contract turn 4, and by that time I had placed like, 3 progress on the quest, but after I flipped the contract it took me 3 rounds to clear stage one. Thee was only one enemy that was revealed before stage 2, and I dispatched if that guy quickly. At stage 2 I was able to have all 3 heroes ready for UglĂșk, and I killed him in one turn. After That I cleared stage 2 quickly with a pursuit value under 25.
44 Threat,
9 Rounds,
5 Victory Points.
Boons Earned: Beyond All Hope.
Burdens Earned: None.
Hope you enjoy, up next is the Battle of the Hornburg!