Theme Deck: The Ring Leaves Gondor

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Derived from
The Last Alliance of Spirit Pippin Actually Doing Something 28 15 21 1.0
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Jelius 90

This is a theme deck that was inspired by the Rohan / Pippin deck. I am trying to make more thematic pairings using the same Hobbit / X idea.

This is an iconic 3 Leadership deck. It's all the fun of Gondor (Visionary Leadership) with Rosie Cotton!!

For added fun Reinforcements and Strength of Arms are great!


Jul 23, 2021 TheWhee 88

Would The Shirefolk work since The Last Alliance would replace its Hobbit with Gondor, thus you would still not have all heroes being Gondor?

Jul 23, 2021 Jelius 90

From my understanding, it's possible to add "Hobbit or Gondor" in place of "Hobbit." I am not sure. See the deck I was inspired by for more details.

Jul 23, 2021 brainybrian72b 96

The Shirefolk works because The Last Alliance would change the text to "Play only if each of your heroes is a Hobbit or Gondor". All 3 heroes have the Hobbit or Gondor trait, so the requirement is met. In the comments of the Derived from, there is a link to a primer that the main ALeP tester wrote up on The Last Alliance. It is really good...answers questions and gives some good examples.

Jul 23, 2021 brainybrian72b 96

I was looking at making a deck with Merry and Lily Cotton. They are looking like a really awesome combo that can be repeated round after round. Merry's Response gives +1 to each unique ally you control, which should apply to Merry as well, so he should have 3 on the turn he comes in. Lily should then have 2 . Quest with Merry, use Lily to ready Merry and add her 2 to Merry for a total of 5 . At the end of the phase, you have put Merry back in your hand, but that is okay, his boost is only for one round. So you can rinse and repeat round after round for a normal cost of 2 or a The Last Alliance cost of 1 (if you have more Gondor characters in play when you play Merry). Two resources for 2 isn't bad, but if you have the rest of your unique allies out, it could turn into 2 resources for something like 7 , and even more if you use any of your allies twice like Rosie, etc.

Jul 24, 2021 serpico 264

Beautiful!!!! No gandalf in this deck!!! Only tematic with the only different of Rosie but she was in Sam's heart!!!