The Last Alliance of Spirit Pippin Actually Doing Something

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Theme Deck: The Ring Leaves Gondor 6 4 5 1.0
Eomer on a Pony 3 2 0 3.0
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Shellin 3302

I decided fairly early on in the release of Children of Eorl that I wouldn't post many decks on ringsdb from ALeP, since I've been playtesting the cards for quite a while in the lead up to everyone else in the community having a chance to play them. There were a few decks that I have played during the testing process that were just so fun and so silly that I figured I had to share them (spoilers: almost all of them involve the contract).

My playtesting process for The Last Alliance took me all over the place. Eagles and Rohan was my very first attempt, but I quickly gravitated toward trying to mix Hobbits with everything. Some were better than this one, but the chance to finally let Pippin have his time in the sun made this my favorite.

The idea is simple: find Hobbit Pony as fast as possible (through a mulligan, Westfold Horse-breeder or Need Brooks No Delay) and get it on Éomer. Once he has his noble steed, Eomer can commit to the quest after staging and harness the power of Strength and Courage to kill any enemy that takes 7 or less to dispose of.

Instead of relying on Fastred to block those pesky enemies you are forced to engage, this deck can target our boy Pippin with The Last Alliance, allowing him to send it back to staging for Eomer to bury. On rounds where the contract isn't needed to help keep enemies off of you it can be used to:

  • Boost Eomer's attack further by targeting him with Rosie Cotton's boost.
  • Reduce your threat with The Shirefolk
  • Allow Eomer to commit to the quest with everyone else and kill a pesky enemy that stuck around from the previous round and then ready and remove him from the quest with Elevenses to kill a newly revealed second enemy.
  • Attach a pony to Herubrand to fully power up his and allow you to wait until after staging to do most of your questing.

Because the deck relies on Steward of Gondor and The One Ring to reach its full potential, it is probably best suited for solo play, though I have had some fun with it in 2p as well.


Jul 17, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Brilliant idea!

Jul 17, 2021 doomguard 2190

eomer on hobbitpony is funny ^^

Jul 19, 2021 Uruk-guy 554

Okay, I freely admit I'm naive. I need help understanding how Shirefolk is played. And how does Pippin's response work - wouldn't the heroes still keep their original traits?

I love the idea, I'm just can't figure out what I'm missing here!

Jul 19, 2021 Shellin 3302

Of course! The B-side of The Last Alliance allows you to exhaust it to target a card and change it's text. So you would target Pippin with the contract and his text would be changed to say:

"If each hero you control has the Hobbit or Rohan trait, Pippin gains:"

Since all three heroes are either Hobbit or Rohan, Pippin would now be able to use his response. The same would be true for The Shirefolk.

Jul 19, 2021 Uruk-guy 554

@Shellin oh my gosh, total facepalm moment! I thought they simply swapped traits. Wow, this makes so much more sense now and opens up a lot more possibilities than I thought! Thanks for clarifying :)

Jul 19, 2021 brainybrian72b 96

Thank you for posting this deck and replying to comments. The first few times I read the text for The Last Alliance, I was pretty confused by it. So to make it even more funnier, you can even do something like Hobbit and Warrior? I know that you would have to change up a couple allies, but then you could add other races other than just Rohan?

Jul 19, 2021 Shellin 3302

@bdavis96 Yes, you can choose any two traits you would like, provided that trait has at least 1 hero and 10 allies in the cardpool, so no Last Alliance of Hobbits and Pipes unfortunately. I did do a bit of a primer on the contract when it was first spoiled that has some more info on how to use it:

Jul 19, 2021 brainybrian72b 96

If I am reading the contract correctly, it isn't limiting the allies to just A or B trait, it only wants to make sure there are 10 A trait allies and 10 B trait allies. So after the 20 allies, you can add whatever other allies you want?

Jul 19, 2021 Shellin 3302

No, the A-side says that "Each of your starting heroes and each ally in your deck must have either the printed A or B trait, but cannot have both." in addition to the 10 of each requirement. So I could not include Arwen Undómiel for example into this deck, since she is neither Hobbit nor Rohan, even though I have already met the 10 of each requirement.

Jul 19, 2021 brainybrian72b 96

Gotcha...that was the second sentence. I was trying to already think of a deck and kept glancing over the "each ally part". Very nice deck and usage of Pippin. Only a few people like yourself and Seastan seem to give Spirit Pippin any love.

Aug 10, 2021 serre 115

hi, i am confused. how does The shirefolk work with this contract... You need to exaust the last alliance for using his ability on b-side. So you cannot trigger Pippin and the shirefolk in the same round. So if you make pippin a rohan, great you have 3 rohan's and can use his ability. If you target The shirefolk and swap hobbit to rohan you cannot play it, because pippin is not a rohan? right?

Aug 10, 2021 Shellin 3302

@serre You are definitely correct that you would not be able to trigger The Shirefolk and Pippin in the same round, since using either would require exhausting the contract to target that card. The contract specifically changes the "ability text" of the card it targets, which does not include the printed Traits on a character. So when you target Pippin with the card it does not give him the Rohan trait, but instead gives his ability text the chance to work since it now says "If each hero you control has the Hobbit or Rohan trait, Pippin gains:..."

Similarly, targeting The Shirefolk changes its text to be "Play only if each of your heroes is a Hobbit or Rohan."

Since in either case all of your heroes are either Hobbits or Rohan, they can both now be used in the round you choose to target them while exhausting the contract.

Aug 10, 2021 serre 115

@shellin thx for the quick response... if i read your explanation correctly then you're not replacing Trait A with Trait B like the contract says... REPLACE A with B or vice versa, it's not add... if i use the contract on the Shirefolk card it would read: Play only if each of your heroes is a rohan... because you are replacing hobbit with rohan.... its not added... or do i misread this contract

Aug 10, 2021 Shellin 3302

@serre I think you might be misreading the contract. The Action on the B-side reads:

Replace each printed instance of “A” or “B” in that card’s ability text with “A or B

So you aren't replacing "Hobbit" with "Rohan", you are replacing it with "Hobbit or Rohan"

So targeting a Fast Hitch as an easier example would change it to say: "Attach to a Hobbit or Rohan character." not "Attach to a Rohan character."

Aug 10, 2021 serre 115

@Shellin Well i assume you are correct, but for non-english people it's kinda weird pronounced in the contract... so i hope you're right actually, because then it opens lot more combinations with traits... so interesting contract, but not the easiest to build a deck with i guess

Aug 10, 2021 Shellin 3302

@serre Well, I did help design and test it, so I hope my interpretation is correct! ;) You are far from the only person who has had questions or trouble understanding it, non-native speaker or otherwise. We (ALeP) definitely realize that this card was more complicated/less intuitive than we would have liked it to be.

Aug 10, 2021 serre 115

@Shellin well great job in doing this. i just found out of the fan made expansion i ordered the cards. Thx for putting this effort in this game. LOTR stays a good game.

Aug 10, 2021 brainybrian72b 96

The Last Alliance is an extremely powerful contract and thank you for designing it, but it is definitely a little confusing at first. Some of the confusion stems from Inclusive OR, whereas most decisions in life are Exclusive OR (XOR). So with this contract, you can have your cake and eat it too.

Sep 07, 2022 NERD 873

Would Éowyn be better?

Sep 07, 2022 Shellin 3302

@NERD She might be, depending on the quest. It is really easy to get at least one restricted out on turn 1 to boost Herubrand up to 3 Willpower though, so I tend to like his card draw in exchange for 1 WP and the two starting threat. She would be a nice panic button to have if an enemy engages or is immune to player card effects that you can't kill of with Éomer or send back with Pippin to chip away at.

Sep 08, 2022 NERD 873

While it would definitely be impractical, Forth Eorlingas! could be a fun card with Éowyn.