The Pyre of Denethor

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Last Defence of Gondor 7 3 1 1.0
Card draw simulator
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In Play
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Seastan 45864

A strictly thematic deck that can hold its own in tough scenarios.

The scene: Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, has gone mad, completely abandoning leadership of Minas Tirith to mourn the loss of his sons.

The defence of the city now falls upon Gandalf, who assumes the acting role as the Steward of Gondor in Denethor's absence, and Pippin, who has sworn to be In Service of the Steward.

Rally the troops with Gandalf's ring and his Visionary Leadership, and be sure to save Faramir from his father's funeral pyre by having Gandalf snatch the Burning Brand for himself!


Jul 25, 2016 teamjimby 937

To keep with the theme, I think you need 1x The Fall of Gil-Galad for when Denethor completely loses it.

Jul 30, 2016 Erisau19 26

Nice thematic deck! It would be cool to see a play through of it against the Battle of the Pelennor Fields when The Flame of the West comes out :).

Oct 25, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

Pair with Théoden, Éowyn, and Merry for maximum theme.