Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Caldara evolution | 9 | 4 | 5 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
captainace 788
This deck is a powerful Caldara deck with the added power of Idraen and the location control of Northern Tracker and Rhovanion Outrider. Idraen helps provide strong attack in conjunction with Glorfindel and the host of allies that Caldara brings to the table. Emery and Sword-thain are ideal in the opening hand as you can play them both turn one and get the engine rolling and that is why Emery has so many copies included. Imladris Stargazer helps provide efficient card draw to get access to whatever you need at a given point. Map of Earnil is free once you have a Sword-thain and is needed to recycle the host of events. Ancient Mathom provides needed card draw. The events all round out what a solid deck should have plus Elven-light for Arwen Undómiel and Fortune or Fate for Caldara. Emery, Arwen Undómiel, and Glorfindel help ditch cards. Each Caldara will bring back three allies for around an average of 10-11 resources worth of allies. Hama and Damrod can discard themselves for powerful abilities if you need more allies in the discard pile. Overall this deck is a very powerful Caldara deck that has beaten some of the hardest scenarios solo like Battle of Carn Dum, Helm's Deep, Raid on the Grey Havens, Deadman's Dike with ease due to it being a well rounded powerful deck.
Great deck. I used to play Caldara a lot, but I've "abandoned" it for a few months since I saw your decklist and decided to rebuild the deck.
I've posted my version here I suggest you to print some proxys of the new Prince Imrahil and try it... he is an amazing ally for Caldara builds.