Lady Galadriel Secret Agent 009 #out of sight :)

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Lady Galadriel Secret Agent 009 10 3 9 1.0
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serpico 264

My name is Galadriel... Lady Galadriel! First of a series of Galadriel solo deck!after the errors of the first version, I made some changes (thx everybody for the suggestions). Like a performing secret agent The Lady is ables to find the right noldor ally and with her ability she can win like a true 009! the concept of this deck is simple! Galadriel + Nenya+ The Grey Wanderer :nothing else. each round run out of galadriel to draw a card and get two resources with the contract. use for allies and events to control the encounter deck! maintain secrecy as much as possible thanks to The Galadhrim's Greeting and Elrond's Counsel. Vanish from Sight for the emergency! Gandalf thanks to galadriel he becomes a precious ally in both phases of the turn and the price to pay is mitigated by the many cards that lower the threat! I put To Arms! *3 to make the most of the power of narya that provides so as not to lose gandalf during the battle phase. I replaced strider because I always have more than 5 characters on the field

Out of Sight and Vanish from Sight your insurance to survive in dramatic moment.. combo very strong: you can be engaged with a wildbunch of enemy without panic :) like a true 009!!


May 07, 2021 doomguard 2191

like this version better

would cut 2-3 of the 8 cards from out of sight, vanish from sight and galadrims greeting.

yes secrecy is good,but seems a bit overkill for me. if playing solo it does not matter (extends the game, but would be nevertheless a win). would take more cards, that improve the possibility to play Timely Aid.

so i would take either Daeron's Runes or Drinking Song playing this cards in the resource-phase let you play #timely aid regular in the planningphase.

May 07, 2021 serpico 264

@doomguardmaybe I can cut The Galadhrim's Greeting for the high cost, but Vanish from Sight in battle phase allow you yo play with 2 resources Out of Sight and block all enemies engage with you for one turn.. even with a high threat during a long game

May 07, 2021 doomguard 2191

i know these cards and what they do. usually secrecy-deck does not have more than 1 enemy engaged. and, with gandalf and the noldor you have attackprowess, no need to wait until you have many enemies. and see it this way, if you replace 1 out of sight with carddraw, you may have an ally more and do not need out of sight. but i do not know, if you made this for solo or multiplayer.

if solo i suggest the swiss-knife-ally Treebeard specially with a potential narya. and then, as mentioned, turteling does not mention much . in multiplayer i strongly suggest to become faster.

May 07, 2021 serpico 264

@doomguardokok!! Thank you for help me to improve my konwledges in this game:) yesterday I play in solo the scenario the woodland realm and when you change sidequest you reveal 5 cards and I found a lot of enemy! 2 trollhill and 3 spider and with my hight treath level I engaged all of them , but with my strongwillpower I escape in to the elvenkings' hall!!! and I used 2 times this combo! but you have reason about your idea! I will study Treebeard

May 07, 2021 doomguard 2191

revealing 5 cards is unique in the game (for soloplay, except black gate)). average (with surge) is more about 1-2.

May 07, 2021 Swordthatwasbroke 737

@doomguard @serpicoI think leaving in Out of Sight and Vanish from Sight is a good idea, especially if you’re not going to be in secrecy the whole game and take out Galadrims Greeting. That way you can deal with the multiple enemies that having a higher threat results in

May 09, 2021 SchadenfreudeNE 289

Just had a chance to play with this deck, and I dig it!