Lady Galadriel Secret Agent 009

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Lady Galadriel Secret Agent 009 #out of sight :) 5 1 7 2.0
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serpico 264

serpico has a newer deck inspired by this one: Lady Galadriel Secret Agent 009 #out of sight :)

My name is Galadriel... Lady Galadriel first of a series of Galadriel solo deck! like a performing secret agent the lady is ables to find the right noldor ally and with her ability she can win like a true 009! the concept of this deck is simple! Galadriel + Nenya+ The Grey Wanderer :nothing else. each round run out of galadriel to draw a card and get two resources with the contract. use for allies and events to control the encounter deck! maintain secrecy as much as possible thanks to The Galadhrim's Greeting and Elrond's Counsel. Vanish from Sight for the emergency! Gandalf thanks to galadriel he becomes a precious ally in both phases of the turn and the price to pay is mitigated by the many cards that lower the threat! simple deck with which I easily won many quests in the mirkwoods Glorfindel with Fair and Perilous and the will of the lady boosted by Silver Circlet and Strider could destroy everything behind you for one turn Out of Sight your insurance to survive in dramatic moment


May 06, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Cool deck, just a small hickup, you cannot play Captain's Wisdom since The Grey Wanderer off-sphere play is limited to the planning phase.

Also consider Narya, it works wonders on Gandalf, even better than Shadowfax in solo.

May 06, 2021 serpico 264

ahhhh ok thanks.. I will correct immediatly

May 06, 2021 doomguard 2191

and strider is of no use at all in that deck. (she never go on adeventure and no one else can have it)

for good use of timely aid i would increase the numbers of allies (up to 23-25) Rhovanion Outrider or Northern Tracker are evergreens

May 06, 2021 doomguard 2191

@strider, o.k. the willpowerboost until you have 5...

May 06, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

@doomguard well not true, as long as the player controls 5 or less characters it' still a +2 Willpower for Galadriel, which can then be passed around with Nenya. Sure it's less important than in other The Grey Wanderer decks and an argument can be made that to not include it, but it's not useless.

May 06, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

@serpico just one thing, are you using Nenya to boost Glorfindel's Willpower in the combat phase to further boost Fair and Perilous? Cause that's not possible, Nenya is limited to the quest phase.

May 06, 2021 serpico 264

@Alonewolf87right note. in the first version of the deck there was no Fair and Perilous but taken by a desire for greatness I decided to put it on without paying attention to this thing. in reality galadriel I have always used it in the quest and never for anything else .. now I look for other cards and correct the deck :)

May 06, 2021 Truck 1472

Cool concept!

May 06, 2021 serpico 264

Thx @Truck I try to do thematic deck and this deck run Good! With a little control of encounter deck using Out of the Wild and Risk Some Light can take advantage in more situations controlling staging fase and some shadow card..@doomguard maybe 1 Northern Trackerand 1 Rhovanion Outrider can help to clean the location and have more attack bonus in battle phase