The March of the Ents

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The March of the Ents 13 6 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Aurion 898

"It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn. A great power has been sleeping here for many long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains."

This is my revised version of my earlier deck of the same name in which I have replaced hero Treebeard with Quickbeam so I can have the ally version of Treebeard instead helping to pay for our costly ents.

In your opening hand, you are ideally looking for Entmoot so you can start drawing ents like there is no tomorrow but mainly to find Treebeard if he isn't in your opening hand. You'll notice that entmoot itself has the ent trait so you can draw another copy and play it immediately. As you can draw as many ent cards as you want, this can help to dramatically reduce the number of cards in your deck on the first turn.

Other good cards to look for in your opening hand are Fast Hitch, and Boomed and Trumpeted to give you some much needed action advantage. You'll want to play a couple of copies of fast hitch on Merry, so you can quest with him in the early game and ready him for combat with a couple of Daggers on him and get multiple uses of his ability to ready some of the more powerful ents. The other copy will want to go on Pippin to prevent him falling to direct damage when questing. Pippin is really only there to quest and provide additional card draw but his low threat and constant effect helps to prevent you being swarmed too early, before you are fully set up as ents are a bit slow to get going.

Get an Ent Draught on Quickbeam to get multiple uses out of his ability and Protector of Lórien is there to boost his and as required by discarding some of the multiple uniques. The other draughts can go on the hobbits so they are a little more durable.

This is a very powerful combat deck but is weak against treacheries and shadow effects, so the Wellinghall Preservers are essential to making sure the ents don't die during solo play. Just remember to keep at least 1 damage on every ent in order to boost the Booming Ents.

In multiplayer, this deck would pair well with a support deck to take care of treacheries and provide some threat reduction as Gandalf is the only way to reduce threat in this deck and only way to ensure you have consistent card-draw from Pippin's ability, which relies on engaging enemies with a higher engagement cost. Legolas is also there to provide some additional card draw if you are struggling to make ent's moot. Oh dear, I should stop now!