
Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Soar! 2 1 0 1.0
Soar! 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

iSchraeder 112

The ultimate Eagle deck. When fully up and running, allies cost 3 less resources, Gwaihir can quest for 3 and attack or defend. The deck has plenty of card draw, resource acceleration, location control, readying, high starting attack and willpower, and is mono- making it great even in Heirs of Numenor.

Hirgon acts as the primary quester and cost reduction; alongside Radagast and Radagast's Staff. Theoden allows you to quest for 6 from turn 1, then play an eagle for -1 cost to ready Gwaihir.

Legolas and Flight of the Eagles draw cards.

Golden Shield turns Théoden into a 5 defender with sentinal.

Play an Eagle at the beginning of the round and after questing to pull a power play with Gwaihir.


Mar 14, 2021 bane 92

I recently bought all packs from the Harad cycle, except Beneath the Sands, which was the one with the Hero I wanted the most. Great.

Also, you can't play an Unique card while another with the same name is in play. That Meneldor trick won't fly (haha).

Mar 15, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@bane I'm pretty sure that @iSchraeder meant playing a copy of meneldor when one's already in play get 2 progress then discard the first meneldor since there can't be 2 at once, then get 2 more progress by discarding him for a total of four progress.

Mar 15, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Which is completely legal

Mar 15, 2021 bane 92

@GreenWizardNo, you can't (at least if you're playing with the rules as written). As DFW said once: That's f* illegal. While you have a Unique card in play, another with the same name can't enter. It simply won't enter play. There is no 'discarding the one before to allow the new one to enter'. You can find that rule in the rulebook under 'Unique'.

Mar 15, 2021 chumbathewumba 5

@GreenWizardI think you're mistaking that rule with restricted attachments, you may do that with the attachments but now unique cards

Mar 15, 2021 chumbathewumba 5


Mar 15, 2021 GreenWizard 323

oh, ok. that's good to know. Thanks @chumbathewumba @bane

Mar 15, 2021 GreenWizard 323

And my bad about the comment above.

Mar 15, 2021 Truck 1472

Do you mean draw cards with Legolas and The Eagles Are Coming!?

Mar 15, 2021 Emmental 471

@GreenWizardmaybe your misunderstanding came from the rule with the unique encouter cards (for example Arwen in the khazad-dum cycle, Gildor in the saga, Grimbeorn...), wich always come into play, but you have to discard the player card if there was one already in play.

Mar 15, 2021 iSchraeder 112

I just looked through the rules, and you are right, it would fail to enter play. Thank you for the correction. This makes Dunland a lot harder...

Mar 15, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Emmental that was exactly what I was thinking.

Mar 15, 2021 doomguard 2190

your "allies cost 3 less" is kind of missunderstanable. 1 Ally with the help of radagast and his staff can cost 3 less, but to get redagast + staff you need 7 ressources alone. so, its not this good. i prefer to have eagles for 7 res earlier out in the game than a ragagast + staff.

IF you can get radagst with gwaihirs debt, that would be great but its very luck-depended.

Mar 16, 2021 iSchraeder 112

`@doomguard’, that’s still pretty good. 7 resources for 3 a turn means you’re paid back +2 extra in 3 turns, in a mono-tactics deck. I usually don’t play Radegast until I get the staff too, which guarantees its worth the cost. With how cheap eagles are, it’s really not a lot to save up for.

Mar 16, 2021 DEER PARK 225

Cool deck why thicket of spears

Mar 16, 2021 Truck 1472

@DEER PARK, with three heroes, he can pull it off easily, and that makes it a pretty OP card.

Mar 30, 2021 iSchraeder 112

@DEER PARK Because Thicket of Spears is great in some situations, especially multiplayer. The ability to cancel all attacks is really strong. I canceled 4 attacks with this once in a great play that saved my team. I created this deck for nightmare Against the Shadow in multiplayer, so that card was included with that in mind.