Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from | ||||
Fat Stacks | 13 | 5 | 2 | 1.0 |
Inspiration for | ||||
COTR 4 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
bobbymcbobface 724
Seeing all the excitement about new "ONE DECKS," and in response to AJ_800's request, here is my current deck.
I know this deck probably cannot beat every quest in the game, but it IS very powerful.
Notable Victories:
- Attack on Dol Guldur
- Each Shadow in the East quest first try
- Wrath and Ruin
- Under the Ash Mountains
- Hunt for the Dreadnaught Hard Mode
- Nightmare Heirs of Numenor quests
- Shadows of Mirkwood, Dwarrowdelf, and Haradrim Cycles
I am still in the middle of my playthrough of all quests. I know of one quest (Fortress of Nurn) that this deck will not work against since it requires a fifty card deck. Any other quests that you would like to hear how it goes, feel free to ask and I can either give the description of the game if I have played it, or play it and see how it goes.
Keep in mind, I do not yet own all packs, especially the nightmare ones. Any suggestions are welcome. If you have any questions about piloting or anything else, feel free to ask. Thanks for checking it out! I've had a lot of fun with this deck. It can take some finesse and has some VERY long planning phases, but is very rewarding!
Feb 14, 2021 |
Feb 14, 2021Looks really interesting. I'd think this deck would struggle against quests that really punish threat, e.g. Return to Mirkwood. |
Feb 14, 2021Very interesting. I like the deck, good luck on any future quests! How did the listed quests went for you? |
Feb 14, 2021
Feb 14, 2021Word of Command could help to get the vital cards. why only 2 Unexpected Courage ? would put in 1-2 Armored Destrier dain likes them ^^ |
Feb 14, 2021
Feb 15, 2021@destrider, right, dain is not leadership anymore and getting the ereborarmor, not very save.^^ word of command helps flexible in every situation i would asume. what about Hauberk of Mail ? dain can have it and its a) cheaper than a dwarvenshield b) not restricted |
Feb 15, 2021Hauberk is definitely a good idea! I always forget about that card outside of a Dale deck |
Feb 15, 2021I really like how this deck takes great advantage of Gandalf's ability to play from the top of the deck. You can likely make it work well during combat while Dain is defending, plus you have the contract ability, plus you have Gildor's ability. Seems super fun to be able to trigger Gandalf multiple times per round very reliably! I'm surprised by 3x Revealed in Wrath, since you can only play it from the top of your deck, right? Is it really such a great effect? I'm also a bit surprised by Elladan, though maybe it's worth it. If you're willing to include off-sphere allies, I would think someone like Gléowine might be nice. Magic Ring seems risky to me, given your threat. Also, if you're considering off-sphere cards, I've found great pleasure in Daeron's Runes for Gandalf, which is effectively draw 3, discard 1 when played from the top of your deck, and you can do it in any phase. Great to see a strong A Perilous Voyage deck! I think you really take the weakness of the contract and turn it to an advantage when churning through your deck. |
Feb 15, 2021Looks great! I have not yet built a good Perilous Voyage deck, this seems like a really fun one. I like the use of Dáin to reliably block big attacks, and the deck size means that you aren't worrying about burning through the deck (in fact, with Ered Luin Miner and Hidden Cache, there are some great cards to see discarded from the deck). Gandalf also pairs nicely with this mechanism. Something that initially struck me was a possible lack of consistency. There is obviously a large number of cards, and no Gather Information or Word of Command. However, I realised that this deck is not about drawing certain cards consistently, it's designed to give you a lot of cards and a lot of options, all of which are good. Is this a fair assessment? If you log your quests anywhere please let me know, I would really lke to follow the progress. Thanks for sharing |
Feb 15, 2021
Feb 15, 2021
Either way, it's a fun deck, and the strongest Perilous Voyage deck I've seen. I'll keep Revealed in Wrath as a consideration! |
Feb 24, 2021Update:
Have taken down the Ringmaker cycle. On to Nightmare Dreamchaser!! |
its a good idea take the best defender solo, gandalf and a carddraw-hero + A Perilous Voyage . the high startingthread does not matter this much and all szenarios where emtying your deck is a problem you have made easy.
they can also quest battle and siege well. the only problems would be some where heroes are captured (and i mean heroes not 1) or you need more trachery-cancelling. potent idea, if the cards are optimized i cannot say, not enough experience with 100-er decks/this contract