The Three Original Hunters

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The Three Hunters Aggro 94 69 7 1.0
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bookerman 1

The Three Original Hunters. Using the deck from Beorn "The Three Hunters Aggro" as a foundation, I built a Forth, The Three Hunters! deck.

I have used this deck in solo and I can say it works very nice. It can adapt to questing or fighting. Also, when the side B of the contract is reached, it can quest easily with 15-20 Willpower and the heroes to be ready for fighting. The combo Legolas Gimli does not need further details. Aragorn (Lore) is here for some lore cards and threat reduction because of the ring.

All the restricted attachments can be placed for only one cost because of the Forth's reduction.

The ring goes always to Gimli. As for the master card, it depens on the quest. If it needs more questing than fighting, then Power of Command it is, otherwise Inner Strength. He is the defender of the squad. Dwarven Shield and Armored Destrier should be attached to him. Self Preservation heals him, when the contract's healing is not enough. Mostly against boss fights.

Legolas takes all the spirit attachments except when Aragorn has Celebrían's Stone, then he can take Silver Harp or Silver Circlet. Silver Harp is the most important of them, because it returns the card which was discarded for legolas ability. As for the second and third atachement: Mirkwood Long-knife for fighting quest and Silver Circlet for questing. Steed of Imladris is also excellent for locations.

Aragorn is the supporting hero to the other two. With Steed of the North, Cram and Unexpected Courage he can quest every turn and be ready for fighting. With 3 attack he is already a great second attacker and if the quest demands, we can also use him as defender with Armored Destrier. When he takes Celebrían's Stone or Sword that was Broken, he can contribute to the other spheres too.

As for events, except from Elven-light, all other are bonuses for the different traits these Heroes have. Hunting Party is excellent to dispose mini-boses characters like trolls. Coney in a Trap, when we want to stall a boss or we are about to be attacked from many enemies. Well Warned for some threat control, but mostly Aragorn is enough and Unlikely Friendship for the bonuses it gives. Elven-light is used for Legolas Ability and card drawing, since when the attachments are placed, there is not need for gathering resources since all events are 0-1 cost.

Special thanks to Beorn and his deck "The Three Hunters Aggro", which established the foundation for this deck.