Questlogs using this decklist | |
Faithful in Chetwood |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from | ||||
Dunedain Faithful | 14 | 4 | 0 | 2.0 |
Inspiration for | ||||
Arwen and the Dunedain | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Elessar010 556
This is my primary Dunedain deck, which fills into the "engage enemies" archetype. This deck has been through many quests solo, and through the entire Dreamchaser cycle 2-handed (check back to 2.0 for all the quest logs. It is very fun and very thematic, although it has its weaknesses. I think Misty Mountain Journeyman really helped get Dunedain off the ground quicker by including a cheap quester into the archetype.
Of course, I started with Aragorn in this deck, and added from there. Although Amarthiul gains the icon, and there are not many cards, I just wanted Aragorn for the - 1 effect, and the ability to engage enemies from elsewhere.
Amarthiul is the A1 defender, and will need some attachments rather quickly, especially readying. He doesn't do much else besides defend, but if the game is going well, I can attack with him, also. But, that's a rarity. Arwen, of course, quests and generates resources. She's also there for card draw with Elven-light, and to reduce my threat.
I stacked the usual "engage enemies" allies here, with Guardian of Arnor and Fornost Bowman. With the last adventure pack released, I replaced the Ethir Swordsmen with the Misty Mountain Journeyman. I love this ally for a cheap Dunedain quester, and I don't think the stipulation is hard to achieve. The Ranger of Cardolan are really great balanced allies, and since Arwen's resources aren't used that much except for keeping card draw moving, if she has excess, she can pay for them. Also good to have as a safety valve with their Response. I have only 1 copy of Halbarad since he could be played for free.
Amarthiul needs the DĂșnedain Warning rather quickly and I've since added Raiment of War so Amarthiul can have those extra hit points. The only other Restricted attachment he would get is the Armored Destrier, so it could go either way. Aragorn will get the Sword that was Broken, of course, enabling him to pay for all these leadership cards. He also will get Heir of Valandil, and with at least 2 enemies engaged, the cost reduction on those allies is fantastic. Ancient Mathom was added just for card draw emergencies, and Warrior Sword is Aragorn's main weapon. I usually give 1 Unexpected Courage to Aragorn, and 1 to Amarthiul, but I prioritize Amarthiul.
I forgot I meant to include 1 copy of Thorongil! The most-likely candidate is Aragorn, but it can depend on the situation.
Originally I had Elrond's Counsel but I exchanged it for The Galadhrim's Greeting for a heavier reduction in threat, especially without Sneak Attack + Gandalf. I've also added Ranger Summons and the Ranger of the North for fun. You could totally swap the event for something else. Descendants of Kings is a really fun card, so that is probably what I would use in place of Summons.
Sneak Attack and Gandalf are there in the sideboard in case you want that safety valve. Also, I keep Heirs of Earendil there for quests where location management might be more important.
Some of the weaknesses I've found through experience include healing. Sure I have the Remedies, but anything that damages allies is tough. Dunedain have hit points, but they won't last being unable to heal generally. You just hope to overcome the quest before something can wipe out the board.
Also, willpower can be tough early going until an enemy is engaged or you get Sword that was Broken. That's pretty typical of the Dunedain though. Relying on Amarthiul is a huge gamble, since he has low hit points. He's a risky main defender, I think, but I like him, and he can get stacked with the Warnings and a Raiment, or the Warnings and the Destrier. Those Guardians of Arnor need to show up to relieve pressure on him. (This is not a deck that can take on a dragon from turn 1, for instance.)
I think Aragorn is the only Thorongil target and if you use Lore Aragorn you can then start healing. Alternatively, you can discard healing cards with Arwen and then either use Stand and Fight or Reforged to bring them back from the discard pile. Dunedain decks are tough. I feel Bond of Friendship has opened them up though.