This card is something of strange: no limit about the bonus, this meaning that if you are engage with 10 enemies he can attack with 11? Yes I wrote 10 to do an exageration but a Dúnedain's deck can be engaged with 5/6 enemies (standard mode not nightmare) and control the situation with Armored Destrier , Feint, Sneak Attack, and other card, but this guy, when the enemies' attack end can destroy alone some strong enemy, !! You can play for free with Heir of Valandil when heavily engaded and with his ranged trait can save other player without losing is attack bonus.. with Aragorn is something of magic!!! Try him!! Don't forget is 3 hp!!! Not good for a one handed deck
Fornost Bowman
Dúnedain. Ranger.
Fornost Bowman gets +1 for each enemy engaged with you.
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Dread Realm #143. Tactics.

I recently played this in a 2-player fellowship in a Prince Imrahil deck that had both Fornost Bowman and Marksman of Lórien in it. I noticed that the Bowman and Marksman are both Ranged allies that cost 3. I compared the two and realized, if you're not playing the Dúnedain playstyle of trying to keep enemies engaged with you (which I wasn't), then the Marksman is much better than the Bowman - you don't need to do any work to give it high and it has a useful enters-play ability. But, if you are playing a Dúnedain deck that cares about that playstyle, then the Bowman is much better - not only can you reliably get it to 3 or sometimes even more, but it also has the Dúnedain trait which is much more easily taken advantage of, such as by using Heir of Valandil to bring it out much more easily.