Rossiel Can Do It All (except kill really big enemies)

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Rossiel Can Do It All (except kill really big enemies) 13 4 6 1.0
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ira212 276

I've always wanted to make a successful Rossiel deck, and struggled to find something I liked. With The One Ring and The Grey Wanderer, the deck can get up and running pretty quickly. Obviously Strider is key, along with Power of Command for stronger questing. Inner Strength is nice too, for reliable defense and shadow cancellation. Because of Grey Wanderer, it's easy to play these non-unique cards. With an early Resourceful, you're generating 4 resources per turn, which is plenty. With an early Gléowine, you're drawing two cards per turn. Obviously the normal Lore card draw works well here to help you find what you need to get setup.

One other important early card is Out of the Wild, which sets up Keen as Lances, Rossiel's abilities, and The Door is Closed!. Though many Rossiel decks might remove a location first, I tend to remove an enemy first, both because I generally don't want to try killing enemies, and because there's often enough Willpower to make progress.

Rossiel is a great defender, readying multiple times per round, getting up to 7, and cancelling a shadow card when needed. But, this deck will struggle with any giant enemy.

Also, the deck is intended to be played solo and really control the encounter deck, knowing what's coming and avoiding enemies ever coming out. Or, if they do, shuffle them back in with the Woodmen's Path and Put Off Pursuit combo, which you can even trigger before resolving the quest phase with Asfaloth if needed.

The deck will also struggle against quests that churn through lots of encounter cards or very frequently reshuffle the encounter deck. For example, the deck almost certainly couldn't beat Beneath the Sands ( but I was able to fairly safely beat The Black Serpent (, though it took two rounds to defeat the big boss at the end.

This deck certainly isn't for every quest, but I didn't see any other Rossiel Grey Wanderer decks in the DB, and I find it quite fun to control the encounter deck with precision, giving me the info I need to quest precisely and have favorable cards get revealed at the right moments.

Comments welcome, as always! The sideboard contains cards that I considered, but didn't use against The Black Serpent. I'm sure the deck could be improved.

v2.0: Fixed Celebrían's Stone with The Favor of the Lady


Nov 24, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

You might consider including a Song of Travel to play more easily the Spirit cards and be able to include Silver Circlet.

Nov 24, 2020 Truck 1472

@Alonewolf87You agree with me that if a hero gains the whatever resource icon they count as that sphere hero?

Nov 24, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

Of course, the exception is stuff that refers to "printed resource".

Playing a A Burning Brand to a character with Song of Wisdom attached is legal, but that Lore icon won't trigger the discount from Scroll of Isildur. You can use a Song of Wisdom to play The Great Hunt, while you cannot do the same to play stuff like Advance Warning

Nov 24, 2020 ira212 276

Thanks for the good comments, everyone! If necessary, I'd consider adding the songs, but my feeling for this deck is that it's not really necessary. If anything, I'd consider adding Song of Kings to be able to play Celebrían's Stone (which is equivalent to Silver Circlet here) and also get to play The Elvenking (err, Queen) so I can bounce Woodland Sentry in the endgame.

Nov 24, 2020 Raiderjakk 59

Stone of Elostirion may also be a good card without the off sphere requirement.

Nov 25, 2020 ira212 276

Yes, I’d love to use it in a multiplayer game when guarded player cards only increase the the encounter rate by 20-50%, but in a solo game, I’ve found that the 100% increase is just a bit too much to be usable. Also, Stone of Elostirion is Restricted, so that’s something to keep in mind, but that’s probably worth it if you can manage to get past the guarded issue!