To Live and Die and Live and Die (etc) in Middle Earth

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To Live and Die and Live and Die (etc) in Middle Earth 1 0 0 1.0
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Warden of Arnor 6024

My take on the standard Caldara deck. Originally used Éowyn, but the synergy of Arwen Undómiel being able to discard for resources to fund Fortune or Fate is better than the synergy of just discarding for . I'm still tweaking the updated version (with the newer unique allies like Glorfindel and Sword-thain) but it's working out pretty spectacularly. If you guys aren't aware of what a modern Caldara deck can do, you really should find out. It's quite a sight to behold.

The Mirror of Galadriel is also key to the strategy here. Unless you desperately need some particular card, I would mostly use it to dig out the expensive allies and then hope they get discarded - this includes using it when your hand is empty. Have to get those allies into the discard pile somehow! Hobbit Gandalf is also pretty great here, with Galadriel's constant threat reduction supplemented by Elrond's Counsel.

Original version of the deck was discussed in this blog post:


Oct 09, 2018 Sfrug 399

Curious why you didn't throw in an Ally Prince Imrahil here? With Caldara discarded, he'd be an extra hero...

Oct 09, 2018 Warden of Arnor 6024

This deck was built before ally Imrahil was released...