Dale Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Dale Deck 1 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Dale Deck Revised 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

kobeljic 288

A battle tested Dale deck. Well rounded, good at questing at fighting. I used it to beat all the scenarios from the Ered Mithrin cycle. It started out as a random collection of all cards that had "Dale" in keywords/text but it got refined after a couple of iterations.

Mulligan for King of Dale - you really need it to be able to afford anything when starting out. Also it allows you to play allies without a sphere match. Put it on Bard son of Brand - you'll want to give him all your extra resources since he'll be used to fund items and allies.

Your card draw is initially powered by Brand son of Bain - every time you play an attachment on a Dale character without an attachment, you'll draw a card. This will stall after a couple of rounds so you'll want to have Prepare for Battle in your victory display.

Don't play Dale Messenger as soon as you draw one, keep them for later when they might remove a whole lot of damage from your characters. Make sure to distribute damage evenly if possible to get the most out of their healing ability.

Good attachment combos:

No shadow or treachery cancellation. Threat can be reduced with Well Warned. Also this deck is quite good at questing so we could leverage Double Back as well for that purpose.

Update: Tested it on a couple of quests. Specifically for "Journey up Anduin" we might want to swap To Arms! for Ride Them Down so we can clear the staging area of enemies and preventing placing progress on the main quest.

Update: Having played through the Ered Mithrin cycle, I'm really satisfied with the performance of this deck. It's quite fun to play but not too fiddly as I was first worried. I replaced Descendant of Girion since it's an expensive card and requires attachments to help shape it. Other allies provide better benefits when outfitted with items, so after getting the Dale Messenger I happily replaced it.