Guardian of Esgaroth

Ally. Cost: 2. 1   1   1   1  


Guardian of Esgaroth gets +1 , +1 , +1 , and +1 hit point for each different player card attachment it has. (Limit +3 to each.)

The men of the lake-town Esgaroth were mostly indoors, for the breeze was from the black East and chill, but a few were walking on the quays, and watching… The Hobbit
Guillaume Ducos

The Withered Heath #2. Leadership.

Guardian of Esgaroth

In my opinion, this card makes the Dale archetype. I've had 2 of these out with valiant determination and a couple other attachments and they are bonkers. Throw in a spare hood and cloak or two and they're questing for 4+, blocking for 5+, and attacking for 4+ every round. Honestly, the picture should have them surfing on a wave of items, throwing wild stallions like boomerangs because that's how I picture them as they destroy quests.

Plasto 56
This is just great: "Honestly, the picture should have them surfing on a wave of items, throwing wild stallions like boomerangs because that's how I picture them as they destroy quests." — Truck 1472

They should re-name this card Gandalf of Esgaroth. Except it gets better, because you can have three of them, and attachments have lots of different abilities too. I have not played with this card yet, but I am picturing something as absurd as the top comment with the horse throwing surfers.

This card single-handedly helped me beat both Fire in the night and mount gundabad. by getting his defence up to 8 he can defend consistently against Dagnir the main boss of those quests. I got Guardian of esgaroth to 5 willpower 5 attack 8 defence and 7 health by giving him Wild Stallion, Ancestral Armor, Hauberk of Mail and Valiant Determination. this let him quest as well as defend. The ability to get his stats up to massive levels means that Guardian can help dale consistently defeat quests with high attack boss enemies, but by giving him other attachments he can be made into a great attacker or quester as well.

jvader 135
Dale, these days. — Truck 1472