Bond. Bear Trap Bond.

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Bear Trap 7 4 0 1.0
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GrandSpleen 1426

This is the final deck in my quest to create a version of my Bear Trap deck for each contract.

Normally, this deck includes Aragorn. In his place, we have Denethor and Glorfindel. Glorfindel will not quest; this is a multiplayer combat specialist deck. Denethor provides a defense (keeping Beorn alive longer) or 1 point of attack (simulating Aragorn’s -1 defense ability for one enemy). And resource smoothing for Damrod.

The trade off is only +1 starting threat. Bear Trap normally starts with 33. Here we start with 34.

Because recursion of Beorn is important to this deck, we have both Landroval and Fortune or Fate, but only as 1-ofs. The main goal should be to keep Beorn alive while still allowing him some defenses. To that end, we have Vigilant Guard, Honour Guard, and other defenders. Traps soften up enemies for Beorn to survive longer.


Jul 22, 2020 doomguard 2162

damrod+denethor is quite good, ecpecially if its not the only mainpart. nice fightingdeck, but i would never go without the feint ;) if i play tactic. would replace for the defender of ramas, most times they defend not more than a feint ^^