The Bear's Venture

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Take Courage, Warrior 1 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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WingfootRanger 2729

WingfootRanger has a newer deck inspired by this one: Take Courage, Warrior

I designed this deck to beat the entire Ringmaker cycle effectively. It starts strong with high willpower provided by Éowyn and high attack provided by Beorn. Frodo Baggins is our main defender while Beorn helps out in a pinch and soaks damage. This deck doesn't rely on drawing specific cards, but tries to rush for the win using high willpower and attack as soon as possible.

This deck doesn't have card draw or resource acceleration, but its distribution is such that we can expect to hit the ground running. In the opening hand we will likely have drawn some of our plentiful 2 cost 2 attack/willpower allies like Galadhon Archer or Ethir Swordsman, which we can play with rapidity. Knights of the Swan and Vassal of the Windlord can be used for their attack or as chump blockers. Good Meal makes it easier to pay for Fortune or Fate to bring Beorn back if he is destroyed and The Galadhrim's Greeting. Threat could be an issue, so we have Dwarven Tomb to recycle The Galadhrim's Greeting if we need to. Unexpected Courage is for Frodo so we can send him questing as well and Gondorian Shield boosts his defense. While that's generally a good thing there may be quests where we can switch the shield out for Power of Orthanc to get rid of nasty condition attachments or A Light in the Dark which is useful against the guardians in The Three Trials. Ride Them Down is another good option, especially when quest progress is unnecessary.

I enjoyed using this fast and furious deck against multiple scenarios. Although it wears out on quests that cause more lengthy games because it isn't really built for endurance. Even when your threat is one point away from 50 and your heroes are so damaged they are almost gone, a win is still a win!