Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Lorien to Imladris - part II |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
RespectableHobbit95 50
A thematic-ish journey through the Dwarrowdelf cycle. Following Aragorn's fall off the mountain at the hands of a mountain troll, second-in-command Halbarad takes charge, joining the sons of Elrond to clear a path back to Rivendell.
This deck expects to engage a lot of enemies, so Guardian of Arnor and Fornost Bowman hope to be well buffed most rounds. Son of Arnor helps keep the other deck safe. Trollshaw Scout and Watcher of the Bruinen help give action advantage in a busy combat phase, if I can spare the cards. Honour Guard gets around the "no healing" rule on quest 3B, and finally Ranger of the North just gives a bit of respite from the encounter deck, if I'm lucky!
Most of the attachments are aimed at heavy combat - Citadel Plate and DĂșnedain Warning allowing most attacks to be defended by Elladan, while Rivendell Blade and Sword of NĂșmenor allow Halbarad and Elrohir to counter-attack.
Finally, Feint is always useful, and Foe-hammer gives much-needed card draw.
I ended up having to throw Song of Battle in to address resourcing issues... and it can also be sacrificed to Black Uruks to save a more important attachment.