A Very Literal 'Wood Elf'

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Treebeard 3 0 1 1.0
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Warden of Arnor 6024

It is of course well known that elves are great tree-huggers. But in Soviet Fangorn, Tree hugs you!

Treebeard is of course infamously not on anyone's side because no-one is on his. But what if that were not the case? If he signed on with the elves and they invested in him, why, they'd keep him in top condition, they'd give him such a makeover orcs would be struck dead by his beauty, and the Dunedain would sing love songs to him!

Between orc-smashing sessions, our favourite celebrity Ent still likes to relax with his old friends and drink a nice refreshing Ent Draught, but now he'll probably also be snacking on Lembas and listening to the Silver Harp. Can't expect nothing to change, but he's still the same custodian of the forest we've come to know and love, even if he is always waiting for a call from his agent.

Treebeard's latest enemy-smashing tour began yesterday at Belegost and is coming to all the major capitals of Middle Earth, so book your tickets now!
