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In Play
Discard Pile
Card Talk 1306
I have decided that drawing up piloting instructions for a deck using Council of the Wise is probably a lesson in futility, but here goes.
This deck was inspired by an episode of Card Talk where we discussed how Théoden and Théodred work well together. You can see this episode here:
The idea here is that contract only assists getting Rohan allies into play. With a just over 40% allies, and the same (roughly) amount of events, you are really using the events for card draw first, then resources, and if you are lucky, threat reduction lastly.
In your starting hand, you are really trying to get as many card in play as possible by playing events. Draw cards because of the contract, get more options to play cards. Play a second event, get a resource to help pay for another ally. I think it's possible to get a few allies out in your first planning phase with the correct balance of events and allies.
Keep in mind that some events can be played despite not being able to fire (I'm looking at you Forth Eorlingas! and Charge of the Rohirrim) to get the card draw if you are digging for cards.
In the end, this has been a fun deck to pilot for the few games I've played with it!
Mar 12, 2020 |
Mar 12, 2020I think I'm going to click 'like' on every Council of the Wise deck just because I expect to see so few of them. These are difficult and time-consuming to build. Nice deck, thanks for the great community contribution. |
Mar 12, 2020nice, but i miss legacy of numenor and galadrims greeting. |
Mar 12, 2020Hey |
Mar 12, 2020Hey Separately, I think the key is to try to get a little consistency with card effects. For example, instead of three Captain's Wisdom, you put in other cards for resource generation (Gaining Strength) or pseudo resource generation (Captain's Wisdom, A Very Good Tale). I actually had a real blast playing it! |
Mar 12, 2020tried carn dum with it? i think it could have a shot. taktikeowyn helps finish 1. round and the battle-start, then each ally only once helps with some shadow, and if golden shield +armored is played, you do not need to sacrifice an ally at each attack. |
Mar 12, 2020and i would add a gandlf. yes only 1 gandalf and 1 sneakattack, but, if they hit awesome, if not, gandalf is so flexible (mainly cards or thread i think) and can tank a shot from a boss or help finish some. |
Mar 12, 2020
Mar 13, 2020Also reno jackson decks in Hearthstone are quite popular, same idea. In fact I posted this on Reddit months ago hoping no duplicates would be a contract, and here it is! I can't wait to build around this. This will see a hundred new deck ideas |
Mar 15, 2020Great! You could think about Heir of Mardil. |
Apr 10, 2020I am working on a similar deck, but I cannot make the draw work. Once you played a Horn of the Mark or Gamling or Gúthwinë it is okay, but when these cards do not show up early, the deck always run out of cards quickly. Have you any advice? |
Apr 10, 2020i play my coincil of the wise with beravor, and i used her nearly every round. so 4 cards a round, but its really needed. i think this is a typical situation, where you have decide between thematic or effectivness. the thematic way, is this one, the effective is to replace theodred with gildor or play with beravor (and a few more green cards of course) |
Great idea! I've been thinking about how to use this contract and hadn't mentally connected it to Rohan yet but it makes tons of sense. I'm going to have to try my own version of this soon. :)
Obviously when you're having a deck with 50 distinct cards you're going to have some differences of opinion about what belongs, but two cards that jumped out at me as missing here would be Gather Information (to find a key card) and Hasty Stroke (chump blocking is great until you get the wrong shadow effect, then your day is ruined).
Overall this looks fantastic and the card draw on the contract solves Rohan's biggest problem! I'm now officially excited to try out this contract.