Engage them all!! (but don't let them attack)

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Derived from
Invincible Dunedains 19 13 3 1.0
Inspiration for
Engage them all!! (but don't let them attack) 1 1 0 2.0
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aristal 113

aristal has a newer deck inspired by this one: Engage them all!! (but don't let them attack)

Amarthiúll: "So the plan is to engage all these enemies, and then what? Just stare at them? Is this some kind of joke?"

Aragorn: "No, no, it's all part of the plan. We just keep them here and let our friends in the other deck do their questing thing to get us where we need to go."

Háma: "So do we like attack them or anything?"

Aragorn: "Well I guess we could we just need to make sure to keep a couple around for entertainment purposes and whatnot."

Okay so I shamelessly took the base idea from @BigChiefJoe523 and the suggestions from @SomeSort and combined them into what I think is a fairly nice Dunedain enemy attack aversion deck. Steward of Gondor and Song of Travel goes onto Amarthiúl. Heir of Valandil can either go onto him as well or Aragorn.

Try and keep at least 2 enemies engaged at all times to help with overall resource generation. The Fornost Bowman and Galadhon Archer help with ranged attacks if for some reason other decks need to engage enemies, while Guardian of Arnor is there to provide Sentinel to defend others if need be.

Gandalf and Secret Vigil are there to help manage threat. And if you're having a hard time paying 5 resources for the big G, A Very Good Tale can help out in a pinch.


May 25, 2016 chrsjxn 5144

I'm really surprised Sneak Attack isn't in the main deck. Could definitely help with draw.

May 26, 2016 BigChiefJoe523 177

I really like the changes! I was debating including northern tracker as well after spirit could be accessed. I haven't gotten to try the spirit inclusion myself due to lack of playtime, but it seems like a solid idea. Part of my problem with it is that I when I play multiplayer usually play a 3-4 player game during lunch once every other week, and those games tend to last 4-6 rounds, so there's a good chance I don't draw the combo pieces. But I do like the idea and would love to play it at some point.

May 27, 2016 Dexel 1

Why not use Celebrians stone if you want the spirit on aragorn?, seems better than the song.

May 29, 2016 TipsyGamer 1

@DexelLargely because it costs 2 instead of 1, it only opens Spirit on Aragorn (who is likely the hero you would lose, if you had to lose one), and it provides Willpower when you likely won't be questing with Aragorn, since you want to use his ability to pull more enemies to you.

May 30, 2016 aristal 113

@Dexelthe biggest reason for no Celebrían's Stone is that Steward of Gondor goes on Amarthiúl and he can then generate 4 resources a turn which is more useful for posting for Spirit than 1 per turn via Aragorn. Also any questing you do is bonus and shouldn't be counted on by fellow players.