The Burglar's Turn, Take 1

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hamfast Burglar Helper 4 2 0 1.0
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Sfrug 399

So the new contract, in the Wrath and Ruin AP, is out: The Burglar's Turn. I thought I'd give it a try. (I've attached the text at the end of this note for reference.)

Feels like a tricky contract to crack: there's no way to get the benefits quickly, as there are with the other two — mostly you get one per turn if you explore a location each turn. And the limitation of no attachments in your deck is a serious one. (And, given the contract, no non-item/artifact attachments at all.)

That said, here's a first stab at it. Note that Dwarven Axe is a proxy for the new Durin's Axe. The Favor of the Lady is a proxy for the new Silver Circlet. The fourteen attachments in the sideboard are the ones that will make up the Loot Deck.

Also note that, as I read the contract, a sphere match is not required for the attachments.

This deck will probably work best in multiplayer — there are simply more locations there, for one thing. Obviously you can give away attachments too, but I've tried to design them so that most of them can be used by this deck. (The exceptions are if you happen to draw all three Silver Circlets, as this deck can only use two, and duplicate Thror's Keys which come out before the first is used.)

Each hero will (hopefully) be used twice: Frodo Baggins will quest and then take attacks undefended; Haldan will quest without exhausting if there's an active location (since it should always have an attachment), and Idraen should be able to quest & attack most of the time too.

For restricted attachments: Frodo gets Celebrían's Stone and Sting; Haldan and Idraen distribute the three attacking attachments (Durin's Axe, Glamdring and Orcrist) among them.

Forest Road Traveler and Mirkwood Hunter will gain from always having an attachment on the active location.

Some other allies, plus events, are to help with locations. The Dunedain Pathfinder will help you find locations if any are lacking.

Comments & thoughts are welcome.


Text from the card:

Side A: You cannot include attachments in your deck.

Setup: Choose 14 different Item or Artifact attachments from your collection and shuffle them together. This is your loot deck. Flip this card over and place your loot deck facedown under it.

Side B: The active location gets +1 quest point for each attachment attached to it.

Forced: After you travel to a location, attach the top card of your loot deck faceup to that location as a guarded objective. If that attachment has the guarded X keyword, ignore it.

Forced: When the active location is explored, you may put each guarded attachment on that location into play at no cost, or add it to your hand.


Nov 10, 2019 Sfrug 399

Someone on Facebook pointed out that the contract implies that all 14 items need to be different — no repeats. So I'll need to lose 2x Silver Circlet and 2x Thrór's Key, and four other items in. Hmm...

Nov 10, 2019 Alonewolf87 2449

Ancestral Armor, Herugrim and Citadel Plate might be good choices...

Nov 10, 2019 Alonewolf87 2449

Nov 10, 2019 Melkata 3

Ooooh, I hadn’t seen this contract. Very interesting, and I like your take on it. Nice catch with the pathfinder, seems to finally find a good use for him! Now I’m excited to try making a location/ voltron deck.

Nov 10, 2019 Trialus 23

Cool deck! However, if I'm not mistaken, Favor of the Lady is lacking the Item or Artifact trait to use with the contract.

Nov 10, 2019 Sfrug 399

@Alonewolf87: Those are all good ideas, and now that I found out that I need to cut down Silver Circlet/Thror's Key, I might add some of them. A number of specialized — Sword that was Broken would only be worth it if someone was playing Aragorn, obviously, Herugrim if someone's playing Rohan, etc.

@Trialus: Favor of the Lady is just a proxy for Silver Circlet, a card forthcoming in the Wrath and Ruin pack that's not in the RingsDB database yet.

Nov 10, 2019 Trialus 23

@SfrugDoh!!! You even mention that in the bad.

Nov 11, 2019 ellipticaltable 224

Per @Sfrug's comment, you have ~4 spots to fill in the loot pile.

My votes are:

  • Silver Lamp for Idraen, since she tends to be ready at the start of combat.
  • Thror's Map is excellent, especially until the next FAQ lands. An obvious replacement for 1 of the Thrór's Key.
  • Ring of Barahir is effectively another Citadel Plate, given the number of Artifacts that a Hero is likely to end up with.