Gondor Swarm feat. Erestor

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Visionary Leadership 25 14 6 1.0
Gondor Swarm feat. Erestor 15 10 4 1.0
Visionary & Wise Leadership 1 0 0 1.0
Boromirs Army feat. Erestor 3 1 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

teamjimby 937

Gondor is all about buffing allies and getting lots of allies in play, right? But with all the resources of Gondor and cheap allies, that means the bottleneck is card draw. So we need to find some card draw. There is none better in the game than our new Noldor friend, Erestor!

This deck can get off to ridiculous starts and grows exponentially from there. With 10 cards on the first turn, there is a good chance you will have one or two copies of Wealth of Gondor or Gaining Strength to get some extra resources. Between the of cheap allies and A Very Good Tale, the Citadel Custodians get cheap/free in a hurry and they make your Very Good Tales even stronger! In some instances I have played a Citadel Custodian for free on the first turn, then used A Very Good Tale to get Faramir, Denethor, or Gandalf into play.

So you've got the hot start, but then you also have sustained exponential growth. With Steward of Gondor and Wealth of Gondor/Gaining Strength, you'll have enough resources to play most/all of the 4 cards you are drawing every turn. There are no strong defenders, but it's very easy to chump block when you are playing 2-3 allies a turn. Before you know it you'll have 10+ allies on the board, and they will all have +2 Willpower (Visionary Leadership and Faramir) and +1 Attack (Boromir).

Many Erestor decks run Will of the West, but it's not necessary in this deck. Sure, you'll run out of cards after about 10 turns, but at that point you'll be questing for 60+ and attacking for 30+ on the same turn with chump blockers for days.

This deck uses basically all of the Gondor allies, but I found the lore Ithilien Archer/Lookout/Tracker were too expensive. Lore resources are in short supply and they are almost always used on Wardens of Healing or Envoys of Pelargir.