Visionary Leadership

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Derived from
Gondor Swarm feat. Erestor 10 5 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Lost Realms - Ednaldo 0 0 0 1.0
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TheChad 13603

This deck is a slight modification of Gondor Swarm Fleet. I removed one copy of Mablung and added a Master of the Forge. Sometimes you have to dig for the 2 attachements you need. I also added one copy of Tome of Atanatar so you can recycle A Very Good Tale one more time.
This deck is amazingly fun to play. In your opening hand you want to see Gaining Strength and Wealth of Gondor to help pay for as many allies as possible. If you don't draw Steward of Gondor then use Errand-rider or Envoy of Pelargir or Pelargir Ship Captain to move a 2nd resource to Boromir so you can play Wealth of Gondor if needed.
I have put into play allies that cost over 20 resources combined on my opening turn. For example: In one game I used Herald of AnĂ³rien's ability to get a 2nd ally in (Envoy of Pelargir so they only cost 1 resource total), then played a 1 cost ally, exhausted the 2 2-cost allies and played A Very Good Tale and then played Citadel Custodian for free. I had a 2nd copy of A very good tale, so I did it again, that time for 7 cost. 8 allies on turn one!
Once you are receiving 4 resources a round (more if you draw an acceleration event) you will be putting 2-3 allies in a turn. Use them to quest with Faramir's and Visionary Leadership's boost, to attack with Boromir's boost (make sure to leave a resource on him), and chump with the canon-fodder to ready Prince Imrahil.


Apr 29, 2016 teamjimby 937

Glad you like the deck :) Master of the Forge and Tome of Atanatar are interesting additions. Have they worked out for you?

Apr 29, 2016 TheChad 13603

I owe a lot of thanks to you sir for the deck. Tome of Atanatar has worked great when I draw it mid-game and it is a super good time to play A very good tale, 2 cost to get 8-10 cost worth of allies is a good buy. Master of the Forge helped me find Visionary Leadership once, I had discarded 2 copies to A Very Good tale and this helped me dig it out.

Apr 29, 2016 teamjimby 937

It's true, sometimes you start with a Visionary Leadership that you can't play first turn, then you lose the others to Very Good Tales. I wonder if Second Breakfast or Erebor Hammersmith would make sense instead of the Master of the Forge.

Apr 29, 2016 TheChad 13603

Yeah, I considered both of those. I think all 3 would be a good fit. I settled on Master of the Forge because I think mining for them out of your existing deck helps A very Good Tale work better. But most of the time none of these options are needed, which is why it's just a one-of. the Tome is really useful though. I have discarded A very good tales when I play one, and its nice to 'get it back'.

Apr 29, 2016 TheChad 13603

The problem with the 2 you mentioned (sorry for the 2 comments, I forget to say this) is that those only work the one time. If you draw Second Breakfast before you need it, it goes away. Same for Hammersmith. At least with MotF if you draw it on turn 2 and realize you are missing one of the attachments you can play him (hopefully you can move a resource or doom him in) and start looking on a subsequent turn when you can afford to play it,

Aug 21, 2017 13nrv 4419

Good Gondor swarm decks !