Quest Hard and Party Harder

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
The (Second) Last Alliance of Men and Elves v 1.6
Derived from
Quest Hard and Party Hard 1 0 0 5.0
Inspiration for
Quest Hard and Party Harder 2 2 0 7.0
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Alonewolf87 2356

Alonewolf87 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Quest Hard and Party Harder

This is the Spirit deck for a 4 Mono-Sphere Decks Fellowship.

General Analysis

The main purposes of this deck are questing hard, managing the threat for the group and canceling treacheries and shadow effects.

Arwen Undómiel is a fantastic resource accelerator, especially with Silver Harp attached.

Eleanor ends up exhausting almost all the turns, since seeing a treachery in a 4 players game is basically granted. If she stay ready she can help defending in a pinch, especially if she gets a Gondorian Shield

Glorfindel is his usual self, looking desperately for Light of Valinor and Asfaloth.

Song of Eärendil, The Galadhrim's Greeting and Elrond's Counsel form the threat reduction core of the deck, and Map of Earnil and Dwarven Tomb can help with some cycling.

Cards Description and Notable Interactions with other decks

Imladris Stargazer can help all the players with some deck manipulation, depending on the situation. Of course is amazing for resource gains when combined with the Zigil Miner. They both can end up used as chump blockers when needed.

Galadriel's Handmaiden has a good Willpower/cost ratio and helps with some targeted threat reduction. The Westfold Horse-breeder can fetch some of the mounts we have at our disposal.

Bilbo Baggins is a good 2 for 2 ally and can fetch its own pipe to further the draw engine of the deck.

Derufin provides some much needed ranged support to Spirit, is boosted like all the Gondor allies and also provides another targeted threat reduction when direly needed.

Elrohir is a bit bulkier than the other 2 Willpower allies and has a conditional readying that can be really useful in many quests. When we are able to pair it with his twin from Lore they became really strong.

The Northern Tracker is amazing as always (especially since in 4 players games the location pile up quite fast) and can even be played in turn 1 with help from Arwen Undómiel.

Due to the usually low threat of this deck the Gandalf is included to be taken advantage as much as possible.

The Pelargir Shipwright is as always good in a mono Spirit deck and can even get to 4 Willpower thanks to the Visionary Leadership.

Jubayr is an amazing defender, able to relieve some stress from the uber-defender Beregond, Prince Imrahil has often 3 Willpower and 3 Attack thanks to Boromir and Visionary Leadership.

The White Tower Watchman can usually quest for 2 but can also act as a decent general defender and an emergency valve for undefended attacks.

The Ancient Mathom helps with some card draw, especially when timed right with the other decks.

Thrór's Key is often not so important, but in some quest can end up making the difference between losing or winning.

The Song of Eärendil help with smoothing the threat of the decks, by having Spirit shoulder part of the burden of the other decks.

Light of Valinor is key for Glorfindel as always and the additional copies can become fodder for Arwen Undómiel,

The Map of Earnil helps recurring key events like The Galadhrim's Greeting and Dwarven Tomb.

The Miruvor is flexible and generally useful, and can even be reused thanks to the Erebor Hammersmith.

The Mithril Shirt can be played with relative ease, especially if we have the Northern Tracker or Asfaloth around. The The Arkenstone has a little more risk, but can be worthwile and usually ends up attached to a Lore hero, since that deck has more unique allies (and draw power to find them) and can also benefit from the second ability.

The mounts included, Steed of the Mark, Windfola and Snowmane help with reading effects and questing in general. The Steed of the Mark in particular has a lot of possible targets through the Fellowship.

Unexpected Courage almost always gets attached to Beregond to make him even more of a defending machine.

Silver Harp is generally used in combination with Arwen Undómiel's ability, but can help also against the many discard effects from the encounter deck.

A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke have their usual powerful effects. The only regret is that we can't use the Map of Earnil to cycle A Test of Will.

Elrond's Counsel and The Galadhrim's Greeting give us some much needed threat reduction.

Desperate Defense usually targets Beregond for some more amazing defences.

Elven-light is the basic card to use on Arwen Undómiel's ability and offers an amazing balance of resource generation and card draw.

Shadows Give Way is often really helpful (not only against Carn Dum :D) since the players are often getting swarmed by enemies and Beregond can only do so much.

Reforged is an amazing card, letting us take back lost or used attachment, but what's more important letting us playing them in any phase (encounter-phase-Forest Snare anyone?)

Double Back can help with a huge threat reduction for the whole fellowship.