Strongest Shield and Swiftest Bow

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
The (Second) Last Alliance of Men and Elves v 1.6
Derived from
Strongest Shield and Strongest Bow 0 0 0 4.0
Inspiration for
Strongest Shield and Swiftest Bow 3 2 0 6.0
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Alonewolf87 2356

Alonewolf87 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Strongest Shield and Swiftest Bow

This is the Tactics deck for a 4 Mono-Sphere Decks Fellowship.

The main purposes of this deck are defending and attacking across the board, a role that is fulfilled quite efficiently.

Mablung is as always a gold mine of resources (especially with some help from the Knights of Minas Tirith).

Legolas is quite often the best killer of enemies on the field, especially with the warhorse and a Bow/Blade and with some judicious use of Hands Upon the Bow

Beregond is as always one of the best possible defenders, especially with a Gondorian Shield combined with some reading effects from across the table like (Armored Destrier, Unexpected Courage. Desperate Defense, Behind Strong Walls) while Sterner than Steel helps with the shadow cancellation.

Lots of readying effects from across the table usually end up played on Beregond and Legolas to maximize their combat efficacy.

Cards Explanations and Notable Interactions with other decks.

Azain Silverbeard's ability can usually be used to great effect, and so is Mighty Prowess when it ends up on Legolas.

Beorn, Treebeard, Pippin and Bofur are some very useful unique allies. The first two are unparalled in combat (and in Treebeard case in action advantage), while Bofur good questing for a Tactics character and some weapon fetching that can be quite useful and Pippin has the best willpower-to-cost ratio in Tactics and can also be useful in combat if we find the right enemies.

The Defender of Rammas is our usual cheap defensive ally, which frees Beregond to be able to help the other players. Also a very good recipient for the Raiment of War.

Knight of Minas Tirith is often at 4 attack thanks to Boromir and basically ends up costing 2 resources since engaging an enemy during the planning phase nets you another resource for Mablung. Its ability to bring down nasty enemies from the staging area can not be understated and saved us many a game.

The Marksman of Lórien and the Galadhon Archer are great ranged attackers and possible secondary targets for the Bow of the Galadhrim.

The Soldier of Dol Amroth help with resource acceleration, while the Riddermark Knight is a very good attacker.

Déorwine can quite often make full use of his ability thanks for Leadership support and can receive a lot of interesting attachments, from Hauberk of Mail to Raiment of War.

Guthlaf gets its discount from Théodred and is another sentinel character which is never bad in 4 players.

The White Tower Watchman can both quest strongly thanks to Visionary Leadership and help with emergency defences, sparing our heroes.

The Blade of Gondolin is often played on Faramir and the Rivendell Blade, besides on Legolas can also end up on Glorfindel.

The Raiment of War can end on Boromir, Glorfindel, Defender of Rammas, Déorwine or Jubayr. The Bow of the Galadhrim can end up on Legolas or one of the ranged allies.

The Gondorian Shield has a few targets beside the primary one in Beregond, one of our favorite is a beefed up Elrond made a legal target by Steward of Gondor. Mablung, Faramir, Eleanor (for when she does not use her ability in the quest phase) and Boromir, especially if he has his rightful title of Captain of Gondor are the targets.

Secret Vigill is quite useful (especially considering the ease with which the fellowship kills enemies) in keeping the fellowship threat in check, supporting Spirit's role in that department.

The Horn of Gondor can help any player with some resource acceleration (but it usually ends up on Eleanor since quite often a character will be destroyed each turn with the enemies swarms.

Mighty Prowess is quite effective since lots of quest have lot of enemies with traits in common.

The Necklace of Girion ended up in Tactics simply because we were trying to give one of the Guarded attachment to each deck and Sting was not very good for our decks.

The Red Arrow is quite tematic and at a very good Willpower/cost value, especially for Tactics. The Valour response is icing on the cake.

Thicket of Spears can often be a huge help. blocking 3-4 enemies from attacking.

Feint and Foe-hammer are amazing as always, and so are Sterner than Steel and Behind Strong Walls for some stronger defenses.

Open the Armory helps us fetching keys Armors and Weapons, while Hands Upon the Bow often helps Legolas kill whenever is more useful for us, often during the quest phase.

Keep Watch is an amazing side quest that weakens the hordes of enemies we often face.