Mining and Whining: The Derpy Dwarves, Deck One

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The Derpy Dwarves
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Mining Deck One - We Must Away, Ere Break of Day 0 0 0 1.0
Hobbit Deck one Support 0 0 0 1.0
Hobbit Saga - Flies and Spiders 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
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Mr. Underhill 4222

Deck 1 of the Derpy Dwarves Fellowship.

This deck is a mining build with Dáin Ironfoot as the main defender. Balin's shadow cancellation is incredibly useful for the early game. Oin puts in an appearance as a secondary spirit hero who gives access to Tactics, allowing the deck to get attack power from the Erebor Battle Master.

There is a splash of Guarded here to keep things spicy. Ring of Thrór is fun with things like Ancestral Armor and Unexpected Courage. Even a free Ever My Heart Rises is card advantage. Mithril Shirt goes on Bombur in Deck 2. The Arkenstone along with Faramir allows this deck to quest really strongly. Orcrist is here for Thorin Oakenshield, who appears in Deck 2.


Jul 18, 2019 Alonewolf87 2433

Since you have a few Guarded attachments you could think about adding The King's Return to help tutor them and put them into play at the best time.

Jul 18, 2019 Mr. Underhill 4222

@Alonewolf87 That was actually in the first version of this deck, but I cut it to make room for other things.

Jul 30, 2019 Xikitins 81

There is any official answer of how well equipped and guarded attachments works? They equip directly or have to resolve guarded card as normal play?