The Derpy Dwarves
Mr. Underhill 4274
I present to you the Derpy Dwarf fellowship!
The main question I wanted to explore with this fellowship is: can dwarves work without Dáin Ironfoot? The answer is yes, but the game is much harder, primarily due to the massive willpower loss. I've included a few cards to make up for this, most notably Faramir who is somewhat key to getting these decks questing successfully.
The decks were played with BGamerJoe vs. The Withered Heath. We wanted to use a lot of unusual Dwarf-themed cards to make the quest a bit more interesting, which is another reason why I built these decks. Cards that trigger off of Mountain and Underground locations are particularly good in The Withered Heath, so we made an effort to shoehorn in lots of effects related to those traits. It was good fun to get cards like Ever My Heart Rises and Ancestral Knowledge working consistently. Heroes like Óin and Bombur do not see much play, so it was fun to get these guys out of the binder and onto the table.
We also ran a good splash of Guarded to keep things spicy and allow for some funny moments. The Guarded stuff works well in these decks: The Arkenstone helps to boost willpower to high levels; Ring of Thrór is amazing in the mining deck; Mithril Shirt fits snugly onto Bombur and helps keep him safe; and Orcrist turns Thorin Oakenshield into a murder machine when combined with a Dwarven Axe. These cards made the Withered Heath more entertaining, since it can be a very long quest anyway.
One thing I like about this fellowship is that it can be made with a single collection. If you feel like playing some dwarves that are different to usual, give these derpy decks a try!
Here's our game on YouTube: