Barter to Sword-thain Robin

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
Barter to Sword-thain Robin 0 0 0 3.0
Inspiration for
Barliman and Robin 24 15 5 5.0
Card draw simulator
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Marcelf 1368

Marcelf has a newer deck inspired by this one: Barliman and Robin

Changes since V3 :

-3 Wellinghall Preserver

-1 Treebeard

+3 Eryn Galen Settler (they are a kind of proxy for the forthcoming Loyal Hounds)

+1 Risk Some Light

This is an updated version of this secrecy mono Lore deck ( with Drinking Song, Gaffer Gamgee and The Shirefolk.

The deck relies on a lot of draw (Bilbo Baggins,Deep Knowledge, Mithrandir's Advice, Peace, and Thought) to quickly get the cards that will boost resources (Resourceful, the combo Scroll of Isildur/Bartering/Sword-thain, and Love of Tales).

Love of Tales is great with Drinking Song. It is the resource acceleration that was lacking in mono lore! I try to play Drinking Song once per turn to make resources, and it's easy with Scroll of Isildur that recur Drinking Song.

With the free scrolls thanks to Sword-thain, I added Erebor Hammersmith to recur even more lore events.

Before the tests, I thought that the deck couldn't work because you need to play Sword-Thain on Robin if you want to be able to keep playing The Shirefolk. But I found that you drew so much that you could play all 3 The Shirefolk before Sword-thain is in play, or you could draw Robin Smallburrow, or you could keep the second copy of Bartering to put it on Robin Smallburrow. So it is not an issue.

In my latest games I tend to recur Risk Some Light more often and it's great because you can pretty much control the encounter deck. In late game the deck is no more in Secrecy but you make so many resources that it's not an issue to pay 3 resources for Risk Some Light.

Try this deck if you want a fun and effective mono lore deck! Bilbo can be effective in true solo now :D

Some results :

Escape from Umbar 3 - 0

Desert Crossing 2 - 0

Intruders in chetwood 1 - 0

Journey along anduin nightmare : 1 - 0

Fords of Isen : 1 - 0

The Weather Hills : 1 - 0

Deadmen's dike : 1 - 0

Wastes of Eriador : 1 - 0

Across the Ettenmoors : 1 - 0

Battle of Carn Dum : 1 - 1

Race Across Harad : 1 - 2