Barter to Sword-thain Robin

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Barter to Sword-thain Robin 4 3 2 2.0
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Marcelf 1368

Marcelf has a newer deck inspired by this one: Barter to Sword-thain Robin

This is an updated version of this secrecy mono Lore deck ( with Drinking Song, Gaffer Gamgee and The Shirefolk.

The idea is to Sword-thain our fellow Robin Smallburrow to keep playing The Shirefolk. Feel free to Sword-thain who you want in early game, then grab a copy of Bartering to put Sword-thain on Robin Smallburrow, and then play all copies of The Shirefolk you kept.

Mulligan for Mablung or Guardian of Ithilien if setup is to aggressive for the deck.


Apr 11, 2019 Alonewolf87 2349

I don't understand the part about making Robin Smallburrow a Sword-thain to keep playing The Shirefolk. You are not forced to have any specific number of Hobbit heroes, it's simply enough that all of them are Hobbits.

Apr 11, 2019 Alonewolf87 2349

Perhaps you meant to keep playing Drinking Song since when you get to the fourth hero the Scroll of Isildur basically becomes free so you can keep recurring it?

Apr 11, 2019 Marcelf 1368

The Shirefolk requires that all heroes are hobbits. So you must Sword-thain Robin if you want to have Sword-thain in play and play The Shirefolk.

Apr 11, 2019 Alonewolf87 2349

Yeah but you already have an all Hobbit heroes lineup in this deck, even if you discard Folco your two remaining heroes are still all Hobbits. "each of your heroes" does not mean "at least three"

Apr 11, 2019 Marcelf 1368

True! in this deck I want to have Sword-Thain in play and I don't want The Shirefolk to be a dead card. So I need to have Sword-Thain on Robin. Hope it is clear^^

Apr 11, 2019 Alonewolf87 2349

No, it's still not clear to me. Playing Sword-Thain on Robin is by no means indispensable to be able to play The Shirefolk, so The Shirefolk is never a dead card...

Apr 11, 2019 Marcelf 1368

Yes Shirefolk is a dead card if Sword-Thain is on Ioreth :D

Apr 11, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2473

What Alonewolf is saying, @Marcelfis this. Let’s say you discard Folco, and have no Sword Thain in play. Your only two heroes are Bilbo and Pippin, who are both Hobbits. Therefore you can play Shirefolk without Sword Thain at all. You don’t need three Hobbit heroes, just however many heroes you have must all be Hobbits.

Apr 11, 2019 Marcelf 1368

Of course I can play The Shirefolk anytime without Sword-Thain in play. But the deck is working with Sword-Thain in play. And I don't want to draw a dead card, so Sword-Thain is meant to be played on Robin.

Apr 11, 2019 Alonewolf87 2349

Ok now I understand, you want the fourth resource and hero granted by Sword-Thain, but then if you want to be able to keep playing The Shirefolk you cannot put it on a non-hobbit ally. Sorry if it took me a while to get it.

Apr 11, 2019 Marcelf 1368

No problem, thanks for your comments! In this deck Sword-thain makes Scrolls free (as you said) and makes you draw 4 cards with Mithrandir's Advice, so I am used to recurr Mithrandir's Advice with the scrolls. But your idea of recurring Drinking Song is interesting because I often need to shuffle the deck to prevent the copies of Mithrandir's Advice to be at the bottom of the deck.