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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
TheChad 14310
Swift and Strong is the song of Haldir of Lórien. For a single resource you can ready him after he snipes an enemy, give him +2 to use in a ranged attack, or against an enemy you engaged in a previous round. Or, if you engaged an enemy this round he can attack twice. The Snipe-Ready-Boost-Kill is more fun though :)
This deck is meant to keep you at low threat enabling you to snipe enemies in the staging area as you build an Ent army. You can suffer from location lock, which is why I like this deck as a multiplayer deck, but it will do fine in solo.
Opening Hand
Entmoot is great assuming you also can play an ent. Get those ents on the board while your threat is low. Get a weapon for Haldir and of course...card draw.
Play ents as you snipe enemies. Éowyn and Folco Boffin quest for 6 on turn one so you should be fine. As your ent army grows so does your threat. You can do a panic drop with Folco if you need to. If your threat reaches a level where Haldir is turned off you should have roused the Ents and can handle combat.
Glamdring on Haldir is so much fun, especially if the guarded card is an enemy that you snipe.
This deck will perform well in solo, but I think you will find the most enjoyment in a multiplayer game. Let others engage enemies and you snipe them. Derndingle Warrior is a great sentinel defender, especially with Ent Draught and Wellinghall Preserver.
Happy Questing!
Mar 07, 2019 |
Mar 07, 2019Thanks, well I didn't include secrecy cards because you start at 21 threat, so to drop to 20 you would either have to discard Folco (which negates the extra resource) or clear a location with Woodmen's Clearing. Also, I find I use a Deep Knowledge early on in most games. With Treebeard and Proud hunters you can easily play at least 1 ent a turn. I have not played a game where I discarded Folco to his ability, if that was your strategy then Strider and secrecy would be a good direction to go, but you would have to dilute your deck of weapons and ents...making it a different (but effective!) build. Thanks for checking it out. |
Mar 08, 2019Yeah, I'm guessing discarding Folco to get the threat-reduction while negating the resource-loss was his point (either combined with Strider or just accepting the -loss as a tradeoff for the reduced threat). My question on the other hand would be: If you never use Folco's ability, why not use Pippin? There will allways be some cases where you have the blockers to make it benefitial to choose to engage (perhaps especially if you want to get use out of Swift and Strong), or are forced to engage by effects putting enemies into play engaged. You can never get to much card-draw, and if you actually do you can trim the deck. And even if you never get an extra card out of him, he has a passive that helps you controll engagement and snipe with Haldir's ability. |
Mar 08, 2019Pippin could work. It does seem odd to put in one hero that triggers upon engaging an enemy, and one hero who you triggers by keeping them away. My thinking was, if there ever was a situation where you absolutely needed to drop down by a lot of threat, Folco could do that for you. I just haven't had to do that yet. If you want to try it with Pippin I bet the deck would run smoothly. Thanks for taking a look at it and the suggestions. |
Apr 19, 2021I was looking for a deck to pair with my friend's Herubrand deck and this list looks perfect for it. Are there any updates to this list you'd make? Golden Belt, Keen Longbow, and Haleth all seem intriguing. |
Apr 20, 2021
Very interesting build! I have a two-hand setup that plays off Haldir in part to snipe bad guys and keep low threat.
Since you're obviously in secrecy territory, why have you opted not to run cards like Resourceful?
I have also found that Strider really really makes my "Don't Taze Me" team shine, since I use Argalad to both quest (often with the +2 will boost from Strider) and then use his exhaust ability to knock an enemy down. It seems like you could get Haldir questing AND attacking each turn, in that case, in addition to getting an early willpower boost until you have your ent army going.