Love songs in family

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Hall of Fire 35 23 2 2.0
Inspiration for
Family songs 20 10 2 1.0
Edge of night 5 2 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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suipotryot 35

suipotryot has a newer deck inspired by this one: Edge of night

Here are your saviours !

-- No, it's a ranger with her children.

-- We're no children, we're hobbits !

-- ...


I was looking for a song deck that would be fun to play while strong enough to play solo. I mixed up some of those I found and here it is.

There is no ally, as we only pump up our three heroes.


Firstly, always mulligan to get a Love of Tales. Without it in starting hand, try to draw one as fast as possible. The mechanics becomes really strong as soon as two of it are in game.

The goal is to get Pippin having a maximum of songs on him, including Fireside Song to quest crazy. In late game, Pippin also gets the second Nor am I a Stranger and Herugrim with the last Fast Hitch. So he can quest and give one big shot.

The first Love of Tales goes on Pippin, the second on Beravor and the third comes on Frodo (once he has a Song of Wisdom on him).

The two first Fast Hitch go on Frodo Baggins, as he is our blocker, while last one goes on Pippin. Frodo also takes the Ring Mail, the Hobbit Cloak, the A Burning Brand and, in late game, a Nor am I a Stranger with Golden Shield.

Beravor takes all the Unexpected Courages for her. In early game, she makes us draw. Don't hesitate to fail some quests and take threat to draw. She also takes one Song of Travel and Ranger Bow in early game. Later, she gets Steward of Gondor and Gondorian Fire to become a crazy fighter (up to 4 enemies killes by round with 3 Unexpected Courages)

All events are ment to draw all our songs as fast as we can. When there are at least 2 Love of Tales in game, the deck starts having lot of resources and then can draw a lot. I use to keep Heed the Dream long enough to use it's both effects (and get a Love of Tales with one or two of them).

In very late game (but not so late as the deck really draw crazy), the deck will be empty. So we can get use of the combo Dwarven Tomb + Map of Earnil to play each turn any of A Test of Will or The Galadhrim's Greeting.


In solo, Pippin can be replaced by Bilbo Baggins, to really draw like hell. Bilbo Baggins can also replace Beravor if you want a pure hobbit deck.

If you remove Beravor, you must also replace Ranger Bow by something like Dagger of Westernesse or any other attack attachment.


Mar 03, 2019 Alonewolf87 2449

Perhaps a copy or two of Burst into Song to have even more readying?

Mar 03, 2019 suipotryot 35

I didn't think about this. Thanks. But with all the Fast Hitches and Unexpected Courages, I rarely miss readying. I used to play Sam Gamgee instead of Frodo and add some Armored Destrier, but that seems too much.

Mar 05, 2019 dbldbl 45

This looks super fun. Nice!

Mar 11, 2019 Mister Yo 1

Nice when Love of Tales come early

Mar 20, 2019 Marcelf 1375

Fun deck! Thanks for posting it! It made me want to build my own version with Bilbo, Folco, Strider and Resourceful :

I have a few questions :

  • why don't you play everything on Frodo to make the most of golden shield and herugrim ?
  • Are you aware that the cost to play Map of Earnil is reduced with printed resources on heroes ?

Mar 25, 2019 suipotryot 35

Thanks for the questions.

Firstly, I have a problem with Golden Shield and Herugrim as they only work for one attack/defense and they are restricted as the Ring Mail, which is a lot for Frodo... But what you say would work, making Frodo a big monster.

Secondly, indeed the Map of Earnil costs 3 here. But we have many resources so that's not a problem.

Anyway I'm still working on this deck to increase it's stability. I will release a new version soon (a version very far from this one ^^).

Mar 25, 2019 Marcelf 1375

Thanks for your answer!

I beat Journey Along Anduin Nightmare with my 2 heroes version! The deck is so fun! In many quests in solo I think one big defense and one big attack per turn can be enough. And Frodo's ability is very handy here.

I am eager to see your new version^^