
Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Lore of the Outlands (Campaign)
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

ohuerc 450

After trying to make the Wise Men play Outlands (the "Renegades" deck), I found it didn't work so well. Now they are back to doing more Wise-like stuff, hence "Penitents." And just to really rub it in for them, they're now responsible for keeping themselves AND the other Outlands deck at a moderate threat level, while helping the Aragorn deck maintain Secrecy.

The version shown here is for Campaign mode, in which we can't let any player die or we lose their heroes permanently. For non-Campaign mode, remove Fortune or Fate, because you can just let Player 1 die. The 50th card is probably then another We Are Not Idle, Dwarven Tomb, or Will of the West. Double Back may be useful for Campaign mode (or if the goal is to get the best score), but usually not needed to survive.

Player 1 is going to give us all a ton of cards and resources, using Doomed effects. During Turn 1, this deck almost certainly needs at least one threat reduction card, but probably only one; meanwhile, everyone else survives just fine. Elrond's Counsel is perfect because it's free, and either usage of The Galadhrim's Greeting has the same effect on total score. Wandering Took is a better choice than either of these, to immediately give to Player 4. At the end of the turn, Aragorn will reset threat, and then you'll get your Wandering Took back to put Player 4 into Secrecy. After that point, The Galadhrim's Greeting is worth 8 points instead of 6, if you care about final scoring.

Watch the timing on Favor of the Valar, as you may be able to eat it for Second Breakfast. Pass around Wandering Tooks to trigger it when you like, preferably from a threat of 49, 46, or 43.

Renewed Friendship is handy because other decks are running a bunch of attachments that this deck sorely needs. For Campaign mode, be sure to trigger it on the sphere-less unique attachments Player 1 has for you. Campaign or not, Player 4 has Asfaloth and Light of Valinor for you, and you might even get Lembas or Cram.

Meanwhile, Player 1 and Player 4 run Out of the Wild, and this deck and Player 4 run Gildor's Counsel, keeping the encounter deck easy. Vilya is your main engine to make that happen, so be careful with your actual resources, as you will frequently be spending 3 on events. Leave No Trace and None Return are just here to add a quick boost toward free Keen as Lances for everyone, so don't worry too much about which card they remove from the deck.

Keep an eye on the board state, because some of the usual Wise Men tools may be irrelevant. The Outlands army will build up very quickly, and all this deck needs is enough to give a little boost, mostly with heroes questing. Just one of Legolas or Shadowfax is usually enough, while both together is often much more ranged damage than needed. Gildor Inglorion is a legitimate part of your combo, so that you can top-deck two cards from hand each turn, but there may sometimes be more important things to do with Vilya.