The Great Realm of the North

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Tracking your Shipment 15 10 1 2.0
Inspiration for
Galadriel in Dale (clone) 0 0 0 1.0
Galadriel nella Valle (#RCO) - Galadriel in Dale 1 1 1 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

WingfootRanger 2694

Since I was impressed with Devaresh's Dale deck at Con of the Rings, I decided to build my own with some inspiration from his design. I also tried to stay as thematic as possible, Galadriel gets to be included in the deck because she was not super far from the northern realms in Rhovanion. This is a Dale deck, and so focuses on sort of swarming the board with allies that are buffed up by attachments.

Opening Hand

King of Dale is important and it is best to get it in the early game. North Realm Lookout is another 1st turn play that tends to work out well, especially when given a Mariner's Compass or Spare Hood and Cloak right away. Aside from that, Wild Stallion is also an okay ally to play for the , and can later be attached to someone. Keep in mind that a mix of allies and attachments is ideal for the opening hand.



Bard son of Brand typically quests and provides multisphere access to attachments. Brand son of Bain might quest or attack and provides the and card draw that makes the Dale deck tick. Galadriel is there to provide card draw, threat reduction, and the ability to play Warden of Healing using Nenya.

Early, Mid, and Late Game

The early game is all about getting some allies in play to up the and playing attachments on them to make them super-allies. Depending on whether your draw Traffic from Dale, Bard son of Brand could use an additional attachment for reducing the cost of Dale allies by 2. You can always move any attachments later with Long Lake Trader.

Ideally, Mariner's Compass or Spare Hood and Cloak goes on North Realm Lookout, Map of Rhovanion can go on Rhovanion Outrider or Guardian of Esgaroth, Hauberk of Mail goes on Redwater Sentry, Raiment of War goes on either Redwater Sentry or Warrior of Dale, Bow of Yew goes on Warrior of Dale, and Wild Stallion goes on Guardian of Esgaroth to double-buff his stats.

You will have a Warden of Healing out by the mid or late game along with a host of well-equipped allies questing and handling combat for you. This leaves you in a pretty stable state once all that is built up, and you can flexibly contribute to both questing and combat.

Tips and Tricks