Gamling's Cult of Rohan - every turn Gandalf or Galadriel

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Constant Friends; properly repeating Gandalf and Galadriel 9 6 7 2.0
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tipton 116

tipton has a newer deck inspired by this one: Constant Friends; properly repeating Gandalf and Galadriel

Note: Sorry all, this deck isn't legal. Ruling was given: "When a character leaves play, you immediately discard all attachments from it. After the ally in question has left play, it no longer has the Rohan trait; therefore it is no longer a valid target for Gamling."

Once the 'Fire in the Night' AP gets added this deck can be updated with Elf-friend instead of Nor am I a Stranger and The Elvenking instead of Gamling. Easy swap Arwen Undómiel for Legolas and a lot more.

Dale needs help! It's the Rohan Galadriel? ... was Gandalf always a Rohirrim? "Well, they never were Strangers" says Gamling.

Let's play Gandalf or Galadriel every turn!

I'm still tuning this deck a lot, but it already is one of my favorites to play. If you play Modern or Legacy mtg, it feels a bit like Amulet Titan or 12 Post. It has an awesome build up with decisions that ultimately builds to an unstoppable force. But there is a lot of tuning to do.

The main trick to this deck are 4 cards. Bard son of Brand, [Gamling], [Nor am I a Stranger], and a self discarding awesome ally like Galadriel or Gandalf.

Play [Galadriel], suit her up with [Nor am I a Stranger] and at the end of the round when she discards herself you can bring the Rohan Noldor back to your hand, and Bard will make sure you get back [Nor am I a Stranger] as well so you can repeat it next turn. Since you get back all of the attachments, now it is worthwhile to play Mirror of Galadriel as well on the ally and take advantage of that card select too. The loop without the mirror takes 4 resources each turn, 3 and 1 . So you can put [Steward of Gondor] on Brand and you'll be have one spirit resource leftover each turn and net one played attachment as well as be able to play a Dale ally with King of Dale. Once you get [To the Sea, to the Sea!] involved it is 2 resources for the Noldor and the Rohan attachment. And with [Elven-light] you can use the resources you are saving to draw cards!

Once you get 6 resources a turn, which is easily done with a Magic Ring and Steward, or just with Arwen Undómiel and Steward, you can do this loop with Gandalf every turn. And so far I haven't found much that 4 damage/3 cards/-5 threat won't rescue me from. If you have a way of getting more resources comfortably, you could even start to play Gandalf's attachments.

The Dale Package is amazing on its own and will give you plenty to do while setting up this combo. Moving around Spare Hood and Cloak in order to play other attachments on naked Dale characters and draw cards is a fun minigame. You can also use [Long Lake Trader] to move all of the [Spare Hood and Cloak] to [Galadriel] or [Gandalf] and get them back into your hand so you can use them to draw more cards.

[Sneak Attack] is great of course, it doesn't work with Galadriel's ability so be careful of that. But you can [Sneak Attack] a [Long Lake Fisherman] to try and find any piece of the combo you are missing.

Stand and Fight is great and I'd like to find room for more. For a quick save you can discard an ally to Arwen Undómiel or To the Sea, to the Sea! and use Stand and Fight to get them out during a phase that isn't planning.

Miruvor is in there because I was playing the saga quests and I needed to make sure I always had a card to flip off of the top. It is also just good in general.

For thematic reasons and because my friend usually plays [Arwen Undómiel] and [Galadriel] Glóin sits in the sideboard ready to tag in. He's less consistent, but you get his Belt which is flexible enough for me to use Elrond instead of Galadriel. Elrond also has the benefit of being able to heal Glóin every turn. Narvi's Belt and the Artifacts go on Glóin, I found this to be one of the easiest ways to give him more hp since he isn't a warrior. The Palantir isn't so bad to use once you can loop [Gandalf] and reduce your threat by 5 every turn.

Other Allies that work alright for the combo spot are [Hama] and Damrod. There are others, and I'm really looking forward to trying it with the Beorning Skin-changer

Anyway, I'm still tuning this a bunch but it is super fun to play and I wanted to share it! Thanks!


Nov 02, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

This is amazing

Nov 02, 2018 Brinx 36

Yes! Fantastic and creative work!

Nov 02, 2018 Timgoddard 41

This does sound amazing, but does it really work? Gamling says "after" a Rohan ally is discarded. After Galadriel is discarded, she no longer has Nor am I a Stranger attached, and thus cannot be pulled back into your hand by Gamling. Am I missing something there?

Nov 02, 2018 tipton 116

I think it does. I may have my interpretation wrong but Gamling's response action is triggered by a rohan ally being discarded. Then it doesn't care what it is, and returns that ally assuming it remains an ally which is all the ability cares about now.

I could also see it working like having a Song of Wisdom attachment to be able to use a A Burning Brand. The Burning Brand only cares at attachment and if you were to lose the Song then it would remain attached. I think that Gamling responds only because it is a rohan ally that is discarded, then that ally remains the target for the resolution of the effect. It won't check again.

As well the counterpoint that if Galadriel is actually discarded from play before this happens and loses the typing, then this ability wouldn't work with anyone. Because as I know the rules you can target Beorn with Llandroval and Fortune because in the discard pile his text is no longer active.

I'm open to the idea that I could be all wrong in my interpretation, in which case I'll use Elf-friend and [Elven-king] to bounce them back :D.

Nov 02, 2018 bigbreakfast 1

@TimgoddardI think Gamling "checks" if it's a legal target while it is being discarded, and Galadriel would be a Rohan Ally while she is being discarded. He then returns "that ally" to your hand, so as far as my understanding goes, this works.

Nov 02, 2018 tipton 116

Because I love this deck and also that I've got a particular hyperfocused type of adhd I've really been scouring the web looking for a more definite answer to if this works. One statement made by Caleb seems to fit.

It involves Quickbeam and Cold from Angmar being attached. Cold from Angmar blanks the text of any damaged character, so the question was if you damaged Quickbeam to ready him, does his textbox blank before the ready.

Caleb's response was: "If a character's ability is part of the same sentence as the trigger, such as Quickbeam’s, then you should resolve the ability before treating that character’s text box as blank."

From that I believe that Gamling's ability, which triggers from the discard of a Rohan ally, starts and resolves before any other change of game state can occur and that ally would still be typed Rohan when it finishes.

The major contrary point that I could find is the Sneak Attack and Sword-thain combo. However I think this is actually a reinforcement to Gamling working. Sneak Attack has a delayed effect, and it checks again at the end of the phase for the target 'ally', and since the target is a Hero now and does not fulfill that condition it whiffs. And as before Gamling in particular checks only that the ally trait is met for the second clause.

I don't mean to sound all rules lawyer or try to burn you for asking, so I hope it isn't coming across that way. I'm honestly really curious, and I really wouldn't feel right playing this deck if I wasn't settled on this interaction working. Thanks a lot for asking it!

Nov 03, 2018 Timgoddard 41

Those are both great answers and I'm nearly convinced, though this does seem like something Caleb should chime in on at some point.

Nov 03, 2018 Yepesnopes 1316

Does it play solo? and in a fellowship which role does it cover, support /questing?

Nov 03, 2018 tipton 116

I've played it solo and as a duo. The current build leans more towards questing and off tanking with chumps. The dale questers are great with the Spare Hood and Cloak since they are made to hand out a ready when needed for combat. For bigger issues Guardian of Esgaroth can get large and help out until you get the loop into play, then Gandalf solves almost every problem.

But honestly Dale is insanely good. Change out the items for Tactics weapons and armor, change the allies for the Leadership and Tactics dale guys, and you can alter it for any situation easily. Leave in Gamling, Fishermen, and your loop Target, just about everything else can be altered.

Nov 04, 2018 Aurion 898

I've enjoyed playing with this so far. I have made a few amendments; bringing in Silver Harp instead of Miruvor to make the Mirror of Galadriel more of a boon and I've swapped Light of Valinor and Celebrían's Stone in for the 2 copies of Unexpected Courage. I find that the Spare Hood and Cloaks provide enough readying effects. I also chopped one copy of To the Sea, to the Sea! and Steward of Gondor to include a Cloak of Lórien and Elven Spear to get more use out of Arwen Undómiel and for more discard action. Because I get more use out of Elven-light this way, I've increased my deck to 53 to include 3 copies of Bow of Yew for more attachments for the Dale allies and a bit more attack strength. It sounds like a lot of changes but the concept remains the same - I can't believe i never spotted it before! Such a great strategy. Well done!

Nov 04, 2018 SamthemanGamgee 479

I love me a good gimmick deck and this one looks by far one of the most fun, thank you for posting! ever consider Elrond ally as another option? it would probably be to out of the way but I was just curious

Nov 04, 2018 tipton 116

@Aurion I love those changes! I'm playing with various numbers of Dale only weapons, the bows are great as cantrips.

Nov 04, 2018 tipton 116

@SamthemanGamgee elrond is insanely good to use, but I found him a little harder to fit in the songs of wisdom. I use him when I use Glóin instead of Arwen Undómiel. I can put in Narvi's Belt and Elrond being able to repeated full heal Glóin each turn is awesome.

Nov 05, 2018 Gandalf_2077 67

Very impressive deck and a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Feb 02, 2019 Gandalf Guy 11

I approve. Too bad the combo doesn't work :-(