Win - Race Across Harad - 1 Player - 2020-10-24

Victory with a score of 141 points on October 24, 2020
kattattack22 866

Intruders in Chetwood - 1 Player - 2020-10-24

Victory with a score of 119 points on October 24, 2020
Graffuh 46

Rohan na bogato (unpublished)

Played by Graffuh

The Morgul Vale - 2 Players - 2020-10-24

Victory on October 24, 2020
Thibbledorf 27
nelloianiro 1050
lorunks 571

Foundations of Stone - 2 Players - 2020-10-23

Victory with a score of 166 points on October 23, 2020
dazfoot 21

Return to Mirkwood - 2 Players - 2020-10-23

Victory on October 23, 2020
gupp 2

Leadership-Tactics Mirkwood (unpublished)

Lore-Spirit Mirkwood (unpublished)

Return to Mirkwood - 2 Players - 2020-10-22

Defeat on October 22, 2020
gupp 2

Leadership-Tactics Mirkwood (unpublished)

Lore-Spirit Mirkwood (unpublished)

Return to Mirkwood - 2 Players - 2020-10-22

Defeat on October 22, 2020
gupp 2

Leadership-Tactics Mirkwood (unpublished)

Lore-Spirit Mirkwood (unpublished)

lorunks 571
chatsash 22
chatsash 22

Pippin Talks to the Ents... (unpublished)

Scouting the Wilderness (unpublished)

dustinstender 4
dustinstender 4
dustinstender 4

Noldor Nobility (unpublished)

Played by dustinstender

The Uruk-hai - 1 Player - 2020-10-22

Victory with a score of 118 points on October 22, 2020
Fspage 24

The Long Arm of Mordor - 1 Player - 2020-10-22

Victory with a score of 189 points on October 22, 2020
Taudir 339

Wandering Beravor (unpublished)

Played by Taudir

Into Ithilien - 1 Player - 2020-10-21

Victory on October 22, 2020
Card Talk 1292

Bond of Hobbitship (unpublished)

Played by Card Talk
dustinstender 4

Noldor Nobility (unpublished)

Played by dustinstender
dustinstender 4

Noldor Nobility (unpublished)

Played by dustinstender

The Drúadan Forest - 2 Players - 2020-10-20

Victory on October 21, 2020
joepa70 2

The Line Unbroken - The Druadan Forest Deck 1 (unpublished)

Played by joepa70

The Line Unbroken - The Druadan Forest Deck 2 (unpublished)

Played by joepa70

Passage Through Mirkwood - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2020-10-20

Victory with a score of 80 points on October 21, 2020
Denison 633

Firyal's Alternate Universe (unpublished)

Played by Denison

The Thing in the Depths - 1 Player - 2020-10-20

Victory with a score of 117 points on October 21, 2020
Edmund 28

Dwarf Deck Final (unpublished)

Played by Edmund
dustinstender 4

The Dead Marshes - 2 Players - 2020-10-20

Victory on October 20, 2020
gupp 2

Leadership-Tactics Mirkwood (unpublished)

Lore-Spirit Mirkwood (unpublished)

Foundations of Stone - 2 Players - 2020-10-20

Victory with a score of 152 points on October 20, 2020
dazfoot 21

The Steward's Fear - 2 Players - 2020-10-19

Victory on October 20, 2020
joepa70 2

The Line Unbroken - The Steward's Fear Deck 1 (unpublished)

Played by joepa70

The Line Unbroken - The Steward's Fear Deck 2 (unpublished)

Played by joepa70

The Uruk-hai - 1 Player - 2020-10-20

Victory with a score of 61 points on October 20, 2020
Dapol 1

Hobbits Uruk-hai quest (unpublished)

Played by Dapol

The Battle of Lake-town - 4 Players - 2020-10-19

Victory with a score of 227 points on October 19, 2020
lorunks 571

Arwen Beregond Erestor - Ciclo Angmar contro Smaug (unpublished)

Played by lorunks

New Lord of the Rings LCG Deck (unpublished)

Played by lorunks

New Lord of the Rings LCG Deck (unpublished)

Played by lorunks

New Lord of the Rings LCG Deck gondor/outlands (clone) (unpublished)

Played by lorunks

The Blood of Gondor - 2 Players - 2020-10-19

Victory on October 19, 2020
Thibbledorf 27