Mt. Doom Campaign Fellowship
SecondhandTook 587
Eowyn Deck Goal: Load up Sam Gamgee and Eowyn to be dedicated Fortitude Testers
Three Hunters Deck Goal: Set up Galadriel as dedicated Fortitude Tester and supporter (through her ability).
Synergies between the decks: Both decks have copies of Unexpected Courage. Ideally, these go on Galadriel first so that she can quest and help other Heroes with their fortitude tests. Heir of Mardil acts as an Unexpected Courage / Snowmane for Eowyn since she will ready after questing successfully due to her boon card.
Eowyn Deck Cards for Three Hunters Deck:
- Unexpected Courage
- Blood of Númenor (for Beregond)
- Silver Circlet (for Galadriel - if she doesn't already have one. Otherwise goes to Eowyn)
Three Hunters Deck Cards for Eowyn Deck:
- Steed of Imladris (for Eowyn / Arwen)
- Golden Shield (for Eowyn, helps her become a beefy defender)
- Silver Circlet (for Eowyn/Arwen if Galadriel already has one)
Other Notable Cards:
- Strider is in the Eowyn deck. If the Eowyn deck is going to stay under the character limit, then it can go on either Sam or Eowyn. Otherwise, give to Galadriel.
- Thrór's Key - both decks have 2 copies of this card. Helps to mitigate nasty locations (like other brake of thorns, etc.)
- Fellowship of the Ring - both decks have 2 copies of this card. Significant willpower boost - also, having multiple copies will help in case it's forced effect is triggered
Cards not in the deck but should be considered: Fast Hitch - Sam, Sam, Sam (or even Frodo for that matter). Sam can handle multiple fortitude tests if need be. Neither of these decks have a main Lore resource, which is tricky. Which leads to: Song of Wisdom - Helps get the Lore resource icon to pay for Fast Hitch and also boosts Sam's Fireside Song attachment.