Into the Land of Shadow (Saga Campaign)
WanderingTook 1407
The two decks that I used in my LoTR saga campaign to get through the first two quests in The Land of Shadow.
I tried to keep my hero selection as thematic as possible. Rossiel was a thematic concession because I needed to fill the hero slot... and because I like Rossiel.
For context, the following boons are available to this fellowship:
- Sting, Old Bogey-stories, Ho! Tom Bombadil!, and Phial of Galadriel (Gondorian Sam)
- Mithril Shirt (Rossiel and her Ranger Escort)
- I used Frodo Baggins as my Ringbearer.
- Gondorian Sam should mulligan for Nenya, though Sword of NĂºmenor would be a close second.
- Rossiel and her Ranger Escort should mulligan for None Return.
- The key to survival is getting Rossiel going ASAP. Use None Return on the first available target, and get her loaded up with Lembas and Unexpected Courage.
- Steward of Gondor goes on Sam Gamgee. In addition to the resource acceleration, it also lets him benefit from Visionary Leadership.
- The boost from Nenya will help get you through the early game; however, you'll want to transition to Visionary Leadership for the late game.
- Mablung is your primary attacker. Between his innate ability and a Sword of NĂºmenor or two, he'll be able to use Gondorian Fire with impunity.
Due to quest-specific mechanics, use Ranger Spikes for The Passage of the Marshes, and swap them out for Forest Snare for Journey to the Cross-roads.
This fellowship got me though The Passage of the Marshes and Journey to the Cross-roads.