The Seven Houses of the Dwarves


You know, there are a lot of Dwarf cards out there. Let's smash them all together and see if it works! I went for all mono-sphere decks since so many Dwarf allies are 3-cost and so that I can play mono-sphere cards like Strength of Arms and Thicket of Spears. There is a short description with the main combos for each deck.

The tricky bit with a Dwarf Fellowship like this is that there are a lot of heroes who also have an ally version. Gimli, Dwalin, and Dori were such characters that had me scratching my head on which version is actually better. Because of this, you also won't see heroes like Gloin, as I went with the ally instead.

The decks are definitely meant to be played together, as you are otherwise missing out on some critical components for each deck. Dwalin needs weapons from Tactics, and Lore can use extra resources via Bifur to ready with the Record Keepers. I also limited the card pool so that it can be made with a single collection. So no 3 copies of Hidden Cache or Ered Luin Miner in every deck.

I have not playtested this, but will do soon, so I hope to have a few adjustments along the way to make this Fellowship strong enough for a convention.


Dec 17, 2024 doomguard 2190

i think, the dwarfes are so potent you do not need the elvish treetalkers (means these decks will perform without Arwen Undómiel and Imladris Stargazer ) and the human helpers (Warden of Healing ) yes it ight be a little loss in effectivity but its worth it to stay completely in theme.

i have some other card that cold instead improve a little bit:

would use (specially in 4-player-games) the Explorer's Almanac to avoid locationock and the good old Path of Need can change a complete game.

would further add 2 more Gather Information to 2 other decks you have 3 in 1 set of cards, the Double Back is also worth it specially in multiplayer

Dec 17, 2024 doomguard 2190

additional thoughts:

(perhaps you are interested in my mono-dwarf-mono-sphere-fellwship: yes have also allies not-dwarf, but i think a little bit more effective ones, if using non-dwarfes)

another thought would be, make the tactic-deck a Forth, The Three Hunters!- deck specially because you use the Onward Into Battle that is of average use this way (o.k. Thalin is worth it, but the others not so much, o.k. Thorin Oakenshield like it very much too)

Dec 19, 2024 Msommi 1

I wouldn't play a very good tale with only 19 allies. I would go for 35 or more.