The Bugdet Deck I Beat Carn Dum


  1. The purpose is to make a bugdet deck to beat carn dum, then only coreset angmar awakened, the fellowship and elf starter deck selected in card pool. The deck building can be much better if more cards can be included. However, as I said I intend to make a bugdet deck.
  2. The Dunhere deck is a sniper deck with low threat and Merry can be used to control threat to avoid being engaged. This deck's purpose is to kill the enemy in staging area. You want to make sure Dunhere attach Dagger of Westernesse, sword and even the Dwarven Axe and unexpected courage to snipe the enemy in staging area.
  3. Thalin is weird, but he can do one damage to an enemy under some conditions. And by the way
  4. Curious Brandybuck is a weird choice and I hate to choose him because I limited my bugdet card pool as mentioned. His two willpower is the reason I made the pick.
  5. Elven Jeweler is another hate to make choice due to card pool. Her ability to stay on the field on turn one can defend early attack and Galadhrim Weaver can shuffle the discarded two cards back to the deck.
  6. For the elf deck I want to play early Forest Snare and then I picked two lore heros. Rossiel has good upper limit to get +2 willpowers

The elf deck is solid and has good defense and capable to allow Dunhere deck draw cards by Gléowine and The Long Defeat. Yeah, I put 2 x Gléowine in elf deck simply to draw Dunhere deck more cards. For the elf deck you wanna mulligan for Forest Snare hard and attach to one Garrison and another enemy in order to run out some encounter decks by letting one or two enemies getting useless shadow cards each turn.

Dunhere deck is meant to do his sniper thing due to its low threat and you want to mulligan for Dagger of Westernesse hard.

Both deck have range cards and elf's hero can range attack enemy not engaged as well when it have to.

Radagast's Cunning is a specific pick for the carn dum to make enemy's threat 0. Secret Paths is another pick only for carn dum making sure some location will not contribute threat until the end of the phase.

Favor of the Valar is your saver due to you might get a lot threat and loss due to threat is over 50.

I did three attempts for the carn dum normal mode and finally succeed with the deck. In the last attempt I randomly divide all the decks cards in seven piles and some luck happen. You might need some luck especially for budget deck to beat the carb dum.

Thanks for reading. Respect!


Sep 10, 2024 doomguard 2190

solid choices for that cardpool but i think still culd be a bit optimized:

in the elves-deck i think tweaking the ratio of silvans and events could do better to improve the effectiveness of The Tree People means:

discard 2 of the events of Radagast's Cunning and Secret Paths

with this cardpool it is even worth thinking of the core Silverlode Archer

Sep 11, 2024 The Ring Maker_007 2

Hi Doomguard,

Thanks for your comment.

Before I am sorry that I wrote the post and forgot to mention I included The Fellowship Cycle after exhuasting 3 attempts.

And I divided the decks in 6 piles randomly before my third attempt. My bad.

And you're right about card choices. I was too focused on last five cards including some weapons and function cards don't need for Dunhere due to his mission and threat level control demand in fact don't need engage cards.

For the end of Dunhere build, I made mistake focus on unnecessary red cards and left no spot for Gather information and Double back.

Radagast's Cunning and Secret Paths are for Carn Dum as I supposed and yeah they are situational and better choice shall be made like you suggested.

In fact I have Gondor Starter deck. If I didn't make a flag to reduce the card pool for saving as much as possible for a challenge I can do more shopping before engage carn dum.

I will replay this scenario again with better cards and hope the deck could be better at that moment. Thanks for your advice!