No defense, no attack, only questing and killing
Kaspatou 800
The idea of this fellowship is to maximise direct damage to ennemies, so we don't need any defense or attack.
We have everyturn : Thalin + Hey Dol! Merry Dol! + Gondorian Spearman + Spear of the Citadel + (MotK) Anborn + Ranger Bow -> all ennemies with 7HP or less are insta dead.
We have other songs or Goblin-cleaver for more damage.
If we have immune ennemies (our deck doesn't like them), we still have more classic stuff : Gandalf + Sneak Attack, Rosie Cotton boosting Sam Gamgee, Treebeard, Quickbeam, Wilyador, Angbor the Fearless...
The hobbit/Menestrel deck will quest very hard with Fireside Song on Tom Bombadil and 13 songs. -> 26 potential. All allies quest well too.
We have a ton of draw : Deep Knowledge, Gléowine with Fast Hitch, Beravor, Rivendell Minstrel, Galadhrim Minstrel, An Unexpected Party, 3 Hobbit Pipe with Hey Dol! Merry Dol!, Daeron's Runes, Foe-hammer...
These decks cost nothing and we have Legacy of Númenor + The Seeing-stone to go fast.
If we really need some defense we have Song of Slumber and Feint.
Enjoy !
Nice Monday’s creation Kas <3