Over Hill and Under Hill


Group of friends looking to play Hobbit Timeline decks to do the Hobbit Campaign


Apr 15, 2024 frozen 264

These decks are super awesome, impressive to fill out all 4 spheres with relevant cards. The fact that you are able to use all these guys as their hero versions are great, I absolutely love it.

Couple thoughts:

  • Bilbo is already part of each of the Hobbit scenarios, he's a separate hero that is passed around the table with the first player token, so unfortunately he can't be included in the 4 decks. Would definitely recommend Beorn in his place.
  • Tighten Our Belts is usually a pretty good card for dwarves, maybe not as important in monosphere, but the leadership deck is looking very expensive.
  • Dwarrowdelf axe, if you have it, would be an almost straight upgrade for Dwarven axe in the tactics deck
  • Hidden Cache is in the Lore deck but you have no way to discard it, I would move it to the spirit deck that is already working discard synergy with Zigil and Ered Luin miners.

Apr 17, 2024 doomguard 2190

its superthematic. but you may get problems with locations. you only want dwarfallies, thats great but a bit limiting. there are some little things that can help:

then give the ld-deck 3 gandalf, because irt increase the chance to Sneak Attack + Gandalf

Apr 17, 2024 GildedJedi 47

@frozen great suggestions, the lore deck had one on play effect but definitely makes more sense in the spirit deck

Apr 17, 2024 GildedJedi 47

@doomguardmakes sense, I’ll take a look. I didn’t even think about the sneak attack plus Gandalf combo

Apr 17, 2024 GildedJedi 47

@doomguardi don’t think I’ve seen half of those cards until now. Those are great adds. The sneak attack + Gandalf is amazing.

Apr 17, 2024 doomguard 2190

for Bilbo Baggins (u will get as additional campaignhero Bilbo Baggins or Bilbo Baggins ) you could take the good old Thalin or Thorin Stonehelm or the ally as hero (MotK) Bofur with Messenger of the King